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Been looking for a group


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I spent whole day yesterday looking for a group for Taral V and didn't find it. I play on Ajunta Pall realm, finding groups is getting harder and harder specially for normal flashpoint runs. Is anyone experiencing the same problem with finding groups?


I, for one, seriously believe we need some sort of LFG tool, because spending whole day looking for a group and not finding one is not my idea of playing an MMO.

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This is not WoW. Group content ruins the community.


He never mentioned wow, so I'm not sure why you brought it up. For some servers/factions finding a group is becoming rarer and rarer. I highly doubt it was Bioware's intent for people to spend a week in fleet spamming general for a flashpoint run.

Edited by loudent
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This is not WoW. Group content ruins the community.


If you hate group content you should not play MMOs. If you hate WoW that's your personal choice, if you dont want to run FPs or Heroics its your choice.


Spending whole day looking for a group and not finding one is very disappointing, we definitely need some sort of LFG tool, a lot of players on my realm complain about it. They all want to run different FPs but are unable to find a grp for hours. One of guild members was also looking for a group for Athiss, took him 6 hours to find one.


Besides in my experience most random players I group up to finish heroics and FPs end up being my friends, imo this builds up community. 3 out of 4 players you randomly meet try to be agreeable and supportive in my experience, how is this bad for community?

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He's saying WoW ruined the community. The way i see it, a online community only works for niche games with a tiny playerbase. No one can know 10,000 other people online. But if there's only a few hundred playing on your server, you can really form a community.


So for this game to succeed as online game, people must quit! Get the playerbase small as possible, then you can have a real community where when you pvp someone, you really know them because they are the only one playing with you. If you pve a raid, you really know them because they are the only people online to play with you. See?

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He never mentioned wow, so I'm not sure why you brought it up. For some planets/factions finding a group is becoming rarer and rarer. I highly doubt it was Bioware's intent for people to spend a week in fleet spamming general for a flashpoint run.


dont worry, only biodrones mention wow in threads for some reason, I've never really worked out why.



Nearly 200people in the fleet on my new server (imp side), not one LFG flagged, chat full of the same 5-6 people spamming for a group, they dont seam to be having much luck.

No other chat at all in general.


Oh the community in this game is....indescribable.

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Group content ruins the community.

i'll repost myself:


sorry no


you have major flaw there, what if people really don't want be socaiable? you force them to do what they did not want, you tie them from their freedom


to have choice (plan "B" if you want) always better


and all this nonsense about "sociable" if i search a group for group quest i really search a GROUP to do a QUEST no more, no less

we play together, we have our fun and complete our objective, that's all

i look back at times of Burning Crusade and no lfg toll gogo chat gogo wisper's and here your group to heroic

and there was like a HUUUUUGGGee amount of ppl whith whom i play in dungeons, am is supposed to be friend with all of them, O_o

woooot?!?!? part of them even can't speek english or russian, and guess what? that's not a problem both of us get exact what was they looking for: GROUP to DUNGEON………

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dont worry, only biodrones mention wow in threads for some reason, I've never really worked out why.



Nearly 200people in the fleet on my new server (imp side), not one LFG flagged, chat full of the same 5-6 people spamming for a group, they dont seam to be having much luck.

No other chat at all in general.


Oh the community in this game is....indescribable.


At Ajunta Pall , general chat is quite active but still it is very hard to find people with alignable interests. Getting 4 people together for a FP is much harder than getting 4 people together for a heroic.


I suppose the weak link is built in the structure of the game, because we have to be at fleet to let others know that we are looking for a group for a flashpoint. I know one can flag themselves as LFG but for some reason this is not popular with players, not many players flag themselves, even though they want to run FPs, also many dont know that they can flag themselves.


There are a lot of players who want to do flashpoints but dont want to run around doing nothing on the fleet just to be able to post on general chat that they are looking for a group, so after waiting an hour or so they go to a planet and resume questing even though they still want to do flashpoints but as soon as they leave the fleet they are cut off from the main source of finding a group, which is fleet's general chat, since flagging oneself as LFG on *who* list is not popular, very few people do it. This is the general behaviour that I have noticed on my realm.

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Yeah I hit 50 the other day on my Trooper and was having a very hard time getting into any content, Ilum barely had any Republics and I could spend hours and not get a hard mode flashpoint group, even as a healer, so I just rerolled on The Swiftsure. Seems a lot better so far. I didn't make a healer though, seems like healer is much easier to find than any other role so I am making a tank / dps.


I did a /who and Ilum at 4 am had over 60 republic and over 80 imperial so that seems nice. If this realm doesn't pan out when I'm 50 I will be quitting the game.

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If you hate group content you should not play MMOs. If you hate WoW that's your personal choice, if you dont want to run FPs or Heroics its your choice.


Spending whole day looking for a group and not finding one is very disappointing, we definitely need some sort of LFG tool, a lot of players on my realm complain about it. They all want to run different FPs but are unable to find a grp for hours. One of guild members was also looking for a group for Athiss, took him 6 hours to find one.


Besides in my experience most random players I group up to finish heroics and FPs end up being my friends, imo this builds up community. 3 out of 4 players you randomly meet try to be agreeable and supportive in my experience, how is this bad for community?


How would a tool fix this problem? Spamming for 6 hours im guessing there was no one to group with. A LFG tool would not fix that.

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How would a tool fix this problem? Spamming for 6 hours im guessing there was no one to group with. A LFG tool would not fix that.


LFG tool will fix it. I have met several people who are questing on planets saying that they wanted to do FPs but they got tired of looking around and moved to a planet but they will still go to FP if they found a group, but since they are on a planet they are cut off from the major source of finding a group which is Fleet's general chat as flagging oneself as LFG on *who* list is so unpopular among player, I dont know why that is...... there are some who dont even know that they can flag themselves, as i said before.


LFG tool will give everyone access to finding a group, no matter where they are ...... they do not have to be at fleet boring themselves to death while waiting to find a group, I am sure I also said this in a previous post in different words.


This will definitely improve things.


Edit: Please read the previous posts before you make a new post, its not really good or polite to just throw in what you wanted to say, it could have been suggested or talked about.

Edited by Greywinter
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chat full of
oh when you mention this


i remember trade-chat from one-faction server of "that game" at first it was like OMGWTFHOLYSHII~~~ 5-10 message per second? oh that pretty quiet then

just some guild recruitment, arena team search, premade for bg, raid, raid to old content, party to dungeon, item-sell, gold sellers, flame war, loot drama and i sure that it's just half of it other i wasn't able to read fast-enough

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I suppose the weak link is built in the structure of the game, because we have to be at fleet to let others know that we are looking for a group for a flashpoint. I know one can flag themselves as LFG but for some reason this is not popular with players, not many players flag themselves, even though they want to run FPs, also many dont know that they can flag themselves.





I think an LFG is needed personally, at least an auto match system for quests and FPS on the same server, but preferably cross server.


The game has put in lots of 2/4 man quests its a shame its hard to find a group for them.


Its also weird that with the specific inclusion of group quests in every zone and FPs for most planets, that there is both no LFG AND no cross server chat. BW are really making finding groups a pain.

They say LFG is left out to promote community, I dont agree but if thats their stance, fine. But if thats so why leave out the tools to speak to that community? Right now it relies on people sitting in the fleet spamming chat to form a group, whereas the goal surely is to get people out in the game world enjoying the content. otherwise they've just desinged a lobby game with optional planets to go to if you are bored spamming general chat.


At the very least cross server chat is needed to allow groups to form for people questing more easily.

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You are obviously trolling and yet people fell for it , my gz man , you are a master.

Truly maybe going simple is the key.


Hehe I like how everybody is saying "Nobody mentioned WoW, you must be a biodrone".


I think he's summarzing what A LOT of the 'biodrones' say about LFD.

That is correct. Everyone that is against the LFD tool pretty much gives that response. They just sugar coat it with "get a guild like me" and "if there is a LFD tool nobody wants to join my guild".

So that pretty much ends up with guilds alienate the rest of the server and only reason they don't want a LFD tool is so that the group outside the guild they alienate is able to get groups.


So the fact is that not having LFD tool destroys the community and is preventing people from enjoying group content. And the people in guilds claiming otherwise is pretty much destroying the community by only grouping up with people inside the guild while alienating the rest of the server.

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