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How to Zenith


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So I forced myself to go with Zenith for Queesh, as soon as I got him I was using him, basically. I'm specced for Kinetic tanking, but I still seem to take incredible amounts of damage, especially from caster elites.


Zenith has two stances, an AOE stance basically, and a sniper/single target DPS. He does some crazy DPS with that sniper stance. I haven't been too impressed with his AE abilities, though. Mostly I just turn off the AOE and leave the sniper on, and turn off the shield.


For elites, Zenith can be pretty nice. I'm sure you're thinking "but Theran is the only way to go!!" Well, healing is nice, but Zenith takes these elites down so fast you don't really need healing. You still take a TON of damage with these guys, so I just quit standing toe to toe with them, and started kiting. I can build up enough threat to keep them off of Zenith, and proceed to kite those mean ol' Sith Warriors with Force Wave, Force Stun (spec Nerve Wracking and watch the fireworks, btw) and Force Slow. Zenith will burn through their health before you run out of kiting abilities, and of course you're a tank so you can still stand toe to toe with these guys while Deflect is up.


My gear and Zenith's really wasn't that great. Zenith had an up-to-date rifle from the Balmorra commendation vendor (and I had the commendation lightsaber) and the rest of Zenith's gear was random greens. Attis station was a breeze at level 37 (well, except for when I accidentally aggroed two sets of the Sith in the final bosses room at once and messed up Force Cloak).

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If you like Zenith you will love Nadia. Not only is the single target DPS good, but she does better AE damage than you. Normal trash gets knocked down while she takes their lunch money. She is much easier to gear and gives 102 affection per positive response (from 45 to 49 she can be easily leveled to 10k without any gifts).
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The only thing I'm worried about with Nadia is that she will have problems on caster Elites and standing in fire. I'm not a big fan of mashing the passive button on my companion's bar to get them to move how I want.
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The only thing I'm worried about with Nadia is that she will have problems on caster Elites and standing in fire. I'm not a big fan of mashing the passive button on my companion's bar to get them to move how I want.


Between pull, push, kick, snap, and stun there shouldn't be too many fires, though I would use Tharan on these specific mobs. Around level 40-42 you will notice the mobs doing progressively more damage than you want to take, and your recuperate time will increase between pulls with a full DPS companion. Some later story fights are a flat out no-go without Tharan, or I suppose you could go without Tharan but with Force Cloak, which pretty much does nothing to speed up the fight.

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I can't stand Nadia, she's so eager to please, and maybe I just hate that in real life too. I used her on the mission that required her use (no spoilers) and as soon as I could I swapped her out for Theran.


Theran I have kept geared, and fostered little favor with along the way. Holiday alone is worth having him, let alone that I force him to heal me through insane amounts of damage. Since I often find myself in combat with Sith on contested worlds (pvp happens) I prefer to have a little back up in the form of heals & CC.


Zenith does a large amount of damage, but since I'm Infiltration, I go down like a prom dress if we face some stiff opposition.


Qyzen is a sturdy enough tank but Iresso is superior imo. And I never even used Nadia past her required stage. Mouthy little git.

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I only pick up Theran when I'm battling elites now; and even then, I think its somewhat boring; its like my health guage rarely moves unless I miss an interrupt on a special. So for the time being Im using Zen. Only wish he and Tharan didn't share Cunning gear.
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Not being picky, but out of 8 posts, only one spelled Tharan correctly. The guy has saved many of us countless times, so at least spell his name right ;).


I use 5/33/3 Inf spec, currently 2/31/0 at my level. I've tried Zenith, but maybe he isn't decked out properly because I seem to be meditating a lot more than with Tharan and have a harder time on Elites and Champions. I might give him a try once I find a better weapon for him.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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