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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

HPS should be Equal to Dps


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the 30% debuff is too much, still. When DPS > HPS dps can mindlessly spam attacks to win.


This is not fair, balanced, or meaningful pvp.


Since bioware in it's infinite pvp ignorance decided to have a bolster system for pvp this is a problem from level 10 to 50.


If hps = dps, then the difference in a 1v1 situation is utility.


In swtor, the difference is just more dps.


In a 2v2 dps/dps vs. dps/healer situation the dps can focus down 1 person and ignore the other.


In a 2v2 dps/dps then they need to use various utility to fight each other.


Mindless dps, is bad for pvp. Fix this Bioware.



The healing throughput goes wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy up 30+

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the 30% debuff is too much, still. When DPS > HPS dps can mindlessly spam attacks to win.


This is not fair, balanced, or meaningful pvp.


Since bioware in it's infinite pvp ignorance decided to have a bolster system for pvp this is a problem from level 10 to 50.


If hps = dps, then the difference in a 1v1 situation is utility.


In swtor, the difference is just more dps.


In a 2v2 dps/dps vs. dps/healer situation the dps can focus down 1 person and ignore the other.


In a 2v2 dps/dps then they need to use various utility to fight each other.


Mindless dps, is bad for pvp. Fix this Bioware.


I played 2 AC's in beta, one was the IA Medic and the other SI Assassin (DPS). Pvp in beta made me hate playing the medic because of the 30% healing debuff combined with the bolstered dmg that everyone does.


BUT <--- there it is...


I've chosen to switch to a BH Shieldtech for live (currently only 16) and i've learned that GUARD is worthwhile in this game! The scoreboard even tracks how much dmg i've absorbed from other players! (One game I only did 47k dmg but had 97k dmg in protection on other players, which is huge) Along with how much dmg taunt has reduced other players damage! As a tank, I can follow a healer around and reduce the dmg they take by 50%(Guard) +30%(Taunt) which is 50% less healing you actually need to do.


In short


Tanks use guard/protection/taunt like they should in PvP and it will make your life a whole lot easier...make friends with a tank or 2 and qeue with them. Doesn't take an army of tanks. Just 1-2 tanks running around swapping guard between you and focused dps to alleviate the burst healing required allowing you to win the fight and heal up afterwards with no healing debuff (Trauma).

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