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5 People in Imperial Fleet (including me)


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Saying "too bad" is nice and all but doesn't solve the problem. If he rerolls then the server will still have a lackluster population. If everyone rerolls off of it the server would be dead. Maybe it would be best to merge or offer transfers?


FYI: The screenshots I linked are from 20 minutes ago, my server reads as "Standard" on status screen.


It's impossible to have equal populations for all servers. Some will be high and others will be low. Most will be standard. That server shows up as "light". It doesn't mean it will stay light forever.

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The defenstrator is one of the low pop servers, unfortunately for you. Most servers have standard population, only 1-2 have heavy. Too bad you chose a low pop server. I'm on whitebeam and it was low pop when I rolled to avoid queues. Now it's standard.


Yes it's too bad for me and the other remaining people, but it is perfectly within Bioware's power to do something about it and make things right for us.


The server was perfect after launch, but I get the feeling people migrated back to their pre-launch servers and since then things have been spiraling out of control. I was hesitant to post this at first because ideally I would love for a ton of people to sign up and roll characters on this server, but I don't think that is going to happen.

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The defenstrator is one of the low pop servers, unfortunately for you. Most servers have standard population, only 1-2 have heavy. Too bad you chose a low pop server. I'm on whitebeam and it was low pop when I rolled to avoid queues. Now it's standard.


Here's what people fail to understand: Standard != good population. The range that a Standard designation encompasses ranges from adequate to desolate. Opening up the server list and seeing that stream of Standards shouldn't fill you with confidence.


For example, someone mentioned The Courageous a few posts ago. I have a Sniper on that server. Here's what it looked like, primetime, this past Saturday:






I have a whole album of pictures with queries from every other location I could think of, showing similar figures. The Courageous was marked as Standard, at that time.

Edited by XLauncher
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not everyone hangs out in the imperial fleet. enter "1-50"



Just out of curiousity I just did /whos for level ranges (at 7:28 EST):


1-10 32 players

11-20 50 players

21-30 44 players

31-40 36 players

41-49 21 players

50 4 players



Total (Imperial) 187 players

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Here's what people fail to understand: Standard != good population. The range that a Standard designation encompasses ranges from adequate to desolate. Opening up the server list and seeing that stream of Standards shouldn't fill you with confidence.


For example, someone mentioned The Courageous a few posts ago. I have a Sniper on that server. Here's what it looked like, primetime, this past Saturday:






I have a whole album of pictures with queries from every other location I could think of, showing similar figures. The Courageous was marked as Standard, at that time.


a common mistake people make.


This is the imperial fleet. only 31 people





Now lets check for 1-50. It's maxed out at a 100




Ok maybe 1-50 is too large, how about 30-50. Maxed out again!




I dunno why people just put up screenshots of imperial fleet and then freak out.

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I was on Alderaan last night and there was only 2 people on besides myself.


On my server, Corusaunt is usually the most populated with populations spiking over 100 at peak hours. But all the other planets tend to have peaks of about 45 at most and all other times under 20. And then in off hours, the numbers go below 10...


Republic on PvP server. There is nothing to buy on the auction house. I've tested if anyone will buy my wares at below the price I could get sellling to the NPC vendors. Nope.


Nar Shadda hasn't recently broken 50 people on at once for Republic. Empire is routinely double that. I played for four hours on a Saturday and the only /General chat was for Heroic groups. One person asked a basic question and was answered with "Die in a fire". I'm not kidding.


There aren't enough people to make an economy, or to fill the huge empty halls. This isn't an MMO. It's basically Diablo.

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a common mistake people make.


This is the imperial fleet. only 31 people




I dunno why people just put up screenshots of imperial fleet and then freak out.


I didn't just post Imperial Fleet, though. Honestly, these topics are intensely frustrating for me because what should be the easy part, getting people to acknowledge the problem, is made ridiculously difficult by people who are intent on being obtuse.


I showed you just a couple search results. One of them was from Fleet, yes. Another was from Balmorra, a low level planet where one would expect to find a decent number of people. Another after that was from Nar Shaddaa, a similarly low leveled, yet sparsely populated planet.


And as I said, that album is filled with still more search results, showing even less people on the later planets.

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Is it really that hard for the OP to reroll onto a different server? It doesnt take long to get to 20 and its interesting if you pick the mirror class on the other side.


Look, even if I did decide to reroll all of my alts and such, the problem would still be there (in fact, I would be contributing to the problem for those remaining). For everyone remaining to 'fix' the problem this way would mean that the server would be dead with nobody on it, at which point it may as well be closed right?


There really is no difference at that point whether or not the server was merged aside from a lot of unhappy customers having to redo all of the work they've put into their characters because they were unlucky enough to pick a server that didn't end up being popular.


It's one thing if the game were a year old and I voluntarily chose a 'low' server and then had second thoughts later, but this was launch day and there was no way of knowing which servers would end up populated and which would end up empty.

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Standard has a pretty wide range, I've encountered servers that stated 'Standard' and that had 2100 players logged in and servers that said 'Standard' and that had like 600-700 players logged in. Add to that that 1 faction may be more populated than the other side, and on the lower population servers that means that the small side has only a few hundred players logged in, spread out over the levels 1-50 and 17 planets + flashpoints and warzones on top of that.
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a common mistake people make.


This is the imperial fleet. only 31 people





Now lets check for 1-50. It's maxed out at a 100




Ok maybe 1-50 is too large, how about 30-50. Maxed out again!




I dunno why people just put up screenshots of imperial fleet and then freak out.


I invite you to log onto my server and check if you think I am making this up.


Honestly, I don't understand the push back I (and others) are getting about this issue. Do you think I'm making it up? Are you worried it would be bad PR for Bioware to merge servers?


Maybe you just don't care, but if you didn't care I doubt you'd post. I promise you that leaving this server active with ever dwindling populations will not help the game in the long run. The people remaining (particularly the high level ones with more time invested) will grow more and more disillusioned until they will leave.


I know if they did merge servers some people would be jumping up and down saying 'fail fail I told you so!' but I don't really care what those people think. A mistake was made with the way Bioware handled the throttling and too many servers were opened.

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Hate to break it to ya but even during launch week, on the rebel side the zones were barelyt populated. Just face it the game is going down the tubes as we speak.


The magic was short lived. It has worn off, and is starting to go stale. Much quicker than I expected TBH.


Anecdotal evidence is not evidence.


I invite you to log onto my server and check if you think I am making this up.


Honestly, I don't understand the push back I (and others) are getting about this issue. Do you think I'm making it up? Are you worried it would be bad PR for Bioware to merge servers?


Maybe you just don't care, but if you didn't care I doubt you'd post. I promise you that leaving this server active with ever dwindling populations will not help the game in the long run. The people remaining (particularly the high level ones with more time invested) will grow more and more disillusioned until they will leave.


I know if they did merge servers some people would be jumping up and down saying 'fail fail I told you so!' but I don't really care what those people think. A mistake was made with the way Bioware handled the throttling and too many servers were opened.


You'd be surprised. Sure, I've seen Republic/Imperial Fleet with shockingly low pops, but that's normally during weekends and during non-peak hours that I see that. Because people ask for non-anecdotal evidence, is not hating. I agree with Server Mergers, I agree that we have too many servers because of the massive launch, and that left some servers absolutely full, while others became desolate, and so they made more servers for some reason, and now we have ridiculously fluctuating server pops, because people are not as dedicated to their "home server" yet as they tended to be in WoW.

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I didn't just post Imperial Fleet, though. Honestly, these topics are intensely frustrating for me because what should be the easy part, getting people to acknowledge the problem, is made ridiculously difficult by people who are intent on being obtuse.


I showed you just a couple search results. One of them was from Fleet, yes. Another was from Balmorra, a low level planet where one would expect to find a decent number of people. Another after that was from Nar Shaddaa, a similarly low leveled, yet sparsely populated planet.


And as I said, that album is filled with still more search results, showing even less people on the later planets.


no one is disputing that the server is low pop, but you also tend to exaggerate how low pop it is by claiming only 5 people are logged on when clearly there are more than that.

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Even a "Standard" server is kind of light. Mine was "Light" earlier today. Had 41 Imps on Fleet. Went over to another East Coast PvE server that was "Standard" and they had 75 Republic on Fleet. Makes a big difference. These 2 servers are currently Standard & Heavy.
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no one is disputing that the server is low pop, but you also tend to exaggerate how low pop it is by claiming only 5 people are logged on when clearly there are more than that.


Query: Where did I say there's only five people logged in? No, really, show me the post I said that in. I'll wait.

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Guy buys a PC game, follows the companys advice to not roll one of the full servers.


Guy is now SoL on a dead server.


Response from some people on the forum: Lier! SS or didnt happen...Even though they could just log into that server and look for themselfes which takes like 1 min to do.


We all know why some people against all reason try do deny this is a problem, they are so very afraid that server merges could happen to help those players, cause that would not fit with their perception that everything in swtor without exeption is sparkly rainbows and candy where any problems can never exist.


Also: Bludwork do you enjoy beeing a jerk?

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no one is disputing that the server is low pop, but you also tend to exaggerate how low pop it is by claiming only 5 people are logged on when clearly there are more than that.


I said that in the title of my original post, and it was true at the time. The only other place I went to at the time was Taris, which had 2 people on it (including me). I could maybe understand that at 5am, but not in the middle of the day.


If you are curious, it is 8:04PM EST and there are now 20 people in the fleet and 205 people total across all planets and level ranges (sith side only).

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hate to break it to ya but even during launch week, on the rebel side the zones were barelyt populated. Just face it the game is going down the tubes as we speak.

the magic was short lived. It has worn off, and is starting to go stale. Much quicker than i expected tbh.



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Some people are at work/school...


On my realm there is at least 150 Republic on the Fleet and 200 Imperial on the Fleet at all times of the day. I talk to a lot of people and MANY people rerolled to my realm (The Swiftsure) recently because it's known as a high population realm. That is if they didn't quit.


This issue is massive and must be addressed immediately. There are at least 10x too many realms for the population this game has. It never should've launched with so many realms. It should've launched with 10 NA and 10 EU and then opened more if it was necessary.

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I said that in the title of my original post, and it was true at the time. The only other place I went to at the time was Taris, which had 2 people on it (including me). I could maybe understand that at 5am, but not in the middle of the day.


If you are curious, it is 8:04PM EST and there are now 20 people in the fleet and 205 people total across all planets and level ranges (sith side only).


Sorry you picked a low population server, reroll, its a month into the game, not like your losing much.

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On my realm there is at least 150 Republic on the Fleet and 200 Imperial on the Fleet at all times of the day. I talk to a lot of people and MANY people rerolled to my realm (The Swiftsure) recently because it's known as a high population realm. That is if they didn't quit.


This issue is massive and must be addressed immediately. There are at least 10x too many realms for the population this game has. It never should've launched with so many realms. It should've launched with 10 NA and 10 EU and then opened more if it was necessary.


That would have been brilliant, i know the 5 hour queues at launch werent long enough...................

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