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I went from SW to JK...


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And I'm glad I did. Without spoiling anything, it seemed like the Empire were just a bunch of wreckless warmongers, no direction..just a bunch of "Go kill, go kill". Don't get me wrong, I know that's the general direction of the Sith, but after a while it gets boring imo. Within my first 10 levels of playing a republic character, I felt like I had a purpose with the story, a reason for being a Jedi. Heck, I didn't even know you could Force Persuade on this game til I rolled Jedi.


Just my 2 credits. I mean there's a faction imbalance already. Not trying to bash the Empire here, but I highly encourage anyone who may see Darth Vader or Darth Maul their favorite character to give the Republic a try. You might just like it, and then you won't have to face another group of Imperials in huttball all the way to 50.

Edited by Verrell
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What level did you switch from your SW?


Just curious, is all.


I was nothing but 27, so I know I missed out on a lot of the SW storyline. Main reason I switch was because of the massive faction imbalance. Even still, I somewhat find more purpose out of the JK storyline.

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I was nothing but 27, so I know I missed out on a lot of the SW storyline. Main reason I switch was because of the massive faction imbalance. Even still, I somewhat find more purpose out of the JK storyline.


Ah, yeah. I think you're on...


... Nar Shadda at that point?


Yeah, for the SW it takes a bit to pick up! But to each their own and etc. :)

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I play chars on both sides. I do like the darkness of the imperial side and I rather like the go kill this random person for some randomly vindicitive reason but at the same time I like having a purpose as well and feeling like I am actually important to my own story and not just doing what any old lackey can do. So both sides suit some part of me. :p


Which is why I dont understand why some people limit themselves to one side or the other. Not putting down people's choices as faction loyalty is great but I think all the stories are worth trying out. You just never know which one will suit you the most.


I've found that I like different aspects from each of my different chars whether they are imp or reb and since I play on several different servers I am taking the opportunity to explore both light side and dark sides of the various classes I play.


So cheers to you for trying a new story and finding one you like. :sy_lightside:

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Yeah. The middle part of the SW story is a bit of a 'go here, kill X, go there, kill Y, go thither, kill Z' marathon that concludes in a fairly spiffy "Kill the dude!" affair that sets you up beautifully for what's gonna be coming next.


Where things get interesting, and then more interesting, and then even more interesting when THE THING YOU KNEW WAS COMING SOMETIME happens.


And then you're all "Oh it's ON now!", and then you kill more dudes because, hey, let's face it, you're a Sith Warrior; killing all the dudes is why you exist. But this time, it's personal; you want these dudes dead, you want to kill their families in their front yard and burn their houses down as examples to everyone else. With the lemons.


And then there are the dudes that are all like, " 'Sup. You and His Emperory Bigness, you're down. So like, kill these dudes that you wanna kill anyway with some absolutely official encouragement to kill them dudes"


And then you're all "I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, B**CH!" even if you're a marauder, and at the end, when the shmuck is all "O'noez you can't do this, somebody help me; somebody, anybody!" you're all like, "FALCON PAWNCH!" and it is on like crayon.


At when it's all said and done, those fools in their fancy chairs know. They KNOW what's up, and then you walk into the camera like you're gonna grab the theoretical person holding it, eat their bleepy-bleeping costume and smash the camera for daring to exist in your presence.



It's kinda like that. You missed the best parts if you gave up at 27.

Edited by Uruare
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Yeah. The middle part of the SW story is a bit of a 'go here, kill X, go there, kill Y, go thither, kill Z' marathon that concludes in a fairly spiffy "Kill the dude!" affair that sets you up beautifully for what's gonna be coming next.


Where things get interesting, and then more interesting, and then even more interesting when THE THING YOU KNEW WAS COMING SOMETIME happens.


And then you're all "Oh it's ON now!", and then you kill more dudes because, hey, let's face it, you're a Sith Warrior; killing all the dudes is why you exist. But this time, it's personal; you want these dudes dead, you want to kill their families in their front yard and burn their houses down as examples to everyone else.


And then there are the dudes that are all like, " 'Sup. You and His Emperory Bigness, you're down. So like, kill these dudes that you wanna kill anyway with some absolutely official encouragement to kill them dudes"


And then you're all "I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, B**CH!" even if you're a marauder, and at the end, when the shmuck is all "O'noez you can't do this, somebody help me; somebody, anybody!" you're all like, "FALCON PAWNCH!" and it is on like crayon.


At when it's all said and done, those fools in their fancy chairs know. They KNOW what's up, and then you walk into the camera like you're gonna grab the theoretical person holding it, eat their bleepy-bleeping costume and smash the camera for daring to exist in your presence.



It's kinda like that. You missed the best parts if you gave up at 27.


I could do this too, but I think this will sum up your entire post: i mad bro

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Ironically I did the complete opposite. I had a JK up to level 35. I had just finished Act 1. But I switched to a Sith Warrior instead. There are pros and cons to both sides. I can't speak for anything beyond level 30 for either class, but I can list these opinions of mine.


Jedi Knight Pros:

  • Classic Jedi heroic story
  • Empire are jerks and you fight them
  • Kira is surprisingly entertaining in both story and snarky comments
  • Jedi interrupt spin kick is way cooler than the sith equivalent
  • From what I hear, you have an epic story ending (with fireworks going off, etc)


Jedi Knight Cons:

  • The storyline is very cliche
  • You're pigeon-holed as a peace-loving space hippie
  • You have to go a long time without a healer companion
  • If you go Guardian, you're stuck with hooded robes forever. I was so sick of my hood I was pulling my hair out.
  • T7 is a pain to gear out


Sith Warrior Pros:

  • Unusual storyline
  • You don't have to avoid your passion
  • You wont' feel bad for killing idiot npcs nor punished by your faction
  • The storyline emotionally connects you as you want to bring the hurt on others
  • You're not a peace-loving space hippie
  • You can actually see your entire head with most gear choices
  • Force Choke >>> Force stasis
  • You get to see that the republic is nearly as underhanded as the empire and is less honest about it
  • You get your healer a lot earlier


Sith Warrior Cons:

  • The story ending (from what I've heard) isn't so epic
  • A lot of helms cover your mouth and alter your speech (which could be considered a pro I guess)
  • Your fellow sith are as much a threat as any jedi
  • You'll hate your master
  • You'll be asked to do despicable things (and the light-sided choices are sometimes equally despicable)


Ask yourself, do you prefer to think of yourself as a paladin saving the universe from evil or do you harness your warrior fury and rage to defeat your foes?

Edited by Galadorn
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I played a light side sith inq for a while, was actually kind of fun. Then rolled a jedi knight and have been rolling dark side, it is a lot more fun to me. The light side dialog lines are so cheesy and lame imo
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Ironically I did the complete opposite. I had a JK up to level 35. I had just finished Act 1. But I switched to a Sith Warrior instead. There are pros and cons to both sides. I can't speak for anything beyond level 30 for either class, but I can list these opinions of mine.


Jedi Knight Pros:

  • Classic Jedi heroic story
  • Empire are jerks and you fight them
  • Kira is surprisingly entertaining in both story and snarky comments
  • Jedi interrupt spin kick is way cooler than the sith equivalent
  • From what I hear, you have an epic story ending (with fireworks going off, etc)


Jedi Knight Cons:

  • The storyline is very cliche
  • You're pigeon-holed as a peace-loving space hippie
  • You have to go a long time without a healer companion
  • If you go Guardian, you're stuck with hooded robes forever. I was so sick of my hood I was pulling my hair out.
  • T7 is a pain to gear out


Sith Warrior Pros:

  • Unusual storyline
  • You don't have to avoid your passion
  • You wont' feel bad for killing idiot npcs nor punished by your faction
  • The storyline emotionally connects you as you want to bring the hurt on others
  • You're not a peace-loving space hippie
  • You can actually see your entire head with most gear choices
  • Force Chock >>> Force stasis
  • You get to see that the republic is nearly as underhanded as the empire and is less honest about it
  • You get your healer a lot earlier


Sith Warrior Cons:

  • The story ending (from what I've heard) isn't so epic
  • A lot of helms cover your mouth and alter your speech (which could be considered a pro I guess)
  • Your fellow sith are as much a threat as any jedi
  • You'll hate your master
  • You'll be asked to do despicable things (and the light-sided choices are sometimes equally despicable)


Ask yourself, do you prefer to think of yourself as a paladin saving the universe from evil or do you harness your warrior fury and rage to defeat your foes?


I like this post and would like to add my own thoughts on the ending bit.


It depends on what you think is cool, while there isn't any fanfare and celebration like the Jedi, depending on conversation choices, you can end the Warrior storyline on a high or low note... bah, there's no help for it, gotta do a spoiler!



The choice I made is basically my character telling the Dark Council to mind themselves because he will be there to put them down. Essentially threatening them to keep them in line and remind them they do not rule the Empire, the Emperor does. Then each and every last member of the Dark Council bows to you as you make your departure.



I enjoyed that more, and as some have said it has the feeling that 'this is only the beginning' for the Warrior instead of a definitive end.

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I could do this too, but I think this will sum up your entire post: i mad bro


Eh? Apparently I failed at being silly, because I wasn't knocking it. I was, in fact, being goofy in throwing no-spoilers on it. Tried to be funny and failed, perhaps, but I'm by no means disappointed with the SW story.


It was really good. I wasn't kidding about missing the best parts if one gave up at 27. It does nothing but get better from there.

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I don't know, Crushing Stasis is pretty awesome, and while I can definitely see the satisfaction as you force your enemies to gaggle and flail helplessly with Choke, there is something surprisingly vicious in the way the Knight clenches his fist as if he's doing a Force Crush from KotOR II
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Eh? Apparently I failed at being silly, because I wasn't knocking it. I was, in fact, being goofy in throwing no-spoilers on it. Tried to be funny and failed, perhaps, but I'm by no means disappointed with the SW story.


It was really good. I wasn't kidding about missing the best parts if one gave up at 27. It does nothing but get better from there.


Ah, then my mistake! Just figured you were another person trashing it and all :p

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Yeah. The middle part of the SW story is a bit of a 'go here, kill X, go there, kill Y, go thither, kill Z' marathon that concludes in a fairly spiffy "Kill the dude!" affair that sets you up beautifully for what's gonna be coming next.


Where things get interesting, and then more interesting, and then even more interesting when THE THING YOU KNEW WAS COMING SOMETIME happens.


And then you're all "Oh it's ON now!", and then you kill more dudes because, hey, let's face it, you're a Sith Warrior; killing all the dudes is why you exist. But this time, it's personal; you want these dudes dead, you want to kill their families in their front yard and burn their houses down as examples to everyone else. With the lemons.


And then there are the dudes that are all like, " 'Sup. You and His Emperory Bigness, you're down. So like, kill these dudes that you wanna kill anyway with some absolutely official encouragement to kill them dudes"


And then you're all "I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, B**CH!" even if you're a marauder, and at the end, when the shmuck is all "O'noez you can't do this, somebody help me; somebody, anybody!" you're all like, "FALCON PAWNCH!" and it is on like crayon.


At when it's all said and done, those fools in their fancy chairs know. They KNOW what's up, and then you walk into the camera like you're gonna grab the theoretical person holding it, eat their bleepy-bleeping costume and smash the camera for daring to exist in your presence.



It's kinda like that. You missed the best parts if you gave up at 27.


Greatest Post Ever :D

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Just got done running the first republic flashpoint, and that Sith Apprentice Vokk was ******. So much so that I wished to play a char like that. But even still, as apart of the Empire I suppose I dont feel that sense of faction pride since everyone is out for their own personal interest and all that junk. Republic side, however, I can easily see that "team spirit".


Which is weird considering on games like Jade Empire, KotOR, and Mass Effect, I was always 'evil'.

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The SW storyline is only extremely brutal if you play it that way. I for one played my female SW mostly LS (not all mind you). I didn't murder innocents, didn't do choices that undermined the Empire or twarted the goals of the empire, didn't kill every jedi I came across just because they are Jedi. I mean what is truly the more evil, cutting down a Jedi simply because you are Sith and they are Jedi, or not attacking first and undermining everything they have ever been taught about Sith being all kill kill kill, making them doubt all they know and contemplating the benefit of the dark side.........I find f******* with their minds oh so much more evil and fun even if it gives LS points. My hubby says it is because I am a woman and I enjoy screwing with men's minds irl..... :rolleyes:
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I played my Sith Warrior dark side but not particularly malicious (though I would do bad things). I would work for the sake of the Empire with the character's loyalty unswerving

even to that colossal jerk Baras. I would have supported the idiot, but noooo, he had to go and try to kill me.

. I feel like the story had a fabulous pace right up until the end and would satisfy anyone looking for something a little less cliche.


I was genuinely immersed to the point where the twists and turns actually shocked me. I felt invested with my companions and even the NPCs I encountered.


What I tried of the Jedi Knight had a similar potential. In comparsion, I don't doubt the Knight has more cliches and is probably quite boring if played straight light side. But in general, the Empire story has the air of the novels and KotoR--whereas the Republic exudes the tone of the films.


It depends on what you're looking for.

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And I'm glad I did. Without spoiling anything, it seemed like the Empire were just a bunch of wreckless warmongers, no direction..just a bunch of "Go kill, go kill". Don't get me wrong, I know that's the general direction of the Sith, but after a while it gets boring imo. Within my first 10 levels of playing a republic character, I felt like I had a purpose with the story, a reason for being a Jedi. Heck, I didn't even know you could Force Persuade on this game til I rolled Jedi.



So I know there is certain gear for LS and DS points, however being (or starting as a SW) are you a Jedi rolling with Sith gear like red lightsabers and Malgus type outfits? Or once you turn/switch, do you have to fall in line and wear, and use Jedi gear? I think that would be cool if that's how it worked, if not I'd just start one or the other.


Back when our guild was deciding whether to go Republic or Empire the choice was easy (almost): Republic, especially since the majority of our guild wanted to be Jedi. The reason being it it seemed like more of a challenge. If you are a Sith you can do horrible things (and probably are expected too) which seems like an easy moral choice. You could be a odd ball sith and do everything nice, but then why not just be a Jedi. However I do like the idea of being a GOOD Sith! Sounds fun!

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So I know there is certain gear for LS and DS points, however being (or starting as a SW) are you a Jedi rolling with Sith gear like red lightsabers and Malgus type outfits? Or once you turn/switch, do you have to fall in line and wear, and use Jedi gear? I think that would be cool if that's how it worked, if not I'd just start one or the other.


Back when our guild was deciding whether to go Republic or Empire the choice was easy (almost): Republic, especially since the majority of our guild wanted to be Jedi. The reason being it it seemed like more of a challenge. If you are a Sith you can do horrible things (and probably are expected too) which seems like an easy moral choice. You could be a odd ball sith and do everything nice, but then why not just be a Jedi. However I do like the idea of being a GOOD Sith! Sounds fun!


Sort of. The Malgus type gear is the heavy armor for Sith Juggernauts and is morality neutral, I've only had very select pieces of gear (outside of lightsabers) that were morality specific. The LS Sith are restricted from using red lightsabers IIRC. If you play a lightside Sith Warrior you don't actually come off as a good guy, necessarily, but more noblesse oblige than anything. You do what you do for the Empire and it's citzenry, you aren't overly malicious towards members of the Republic, but they certainly aren't your biggest concern.

Edited by DarthMoord
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Yeah other then the crystals in my sabers none of my gear is LS or DS. I wear a black and white leather looking halter top and black leather leggings.....dual wielding green light sabers atm (I will have at least one pink one soon I hope). Actually kinda sexy looking on a female warrior if I do say so myself.....
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I thoroughly enjoy making Baras seethe under his mask, as I take my Sith Marauder 100% Light, laughing all the way :D. And it's also intriguing to see the Republic react to him, seeing him a stark contrast to the rest of his order, pleasantly so.

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I don't know how the darkside sith warrior storyline is but I found my lightside sithwarrior story to be quite enjoyable and written very well. Jedi are too much like vulcans due to the code they live by. While on my sith I can make good choices or bad that really mean something and are not just because it was my "duty"


I really hope they add more to the "changing the empire from within" in future chapter updates and companion updates.

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Disclaimer: I know most of this is personal opinion.


Sith Warrior - So far the story has just been cool. I've done both Light Side and Dark Side and I found the Light Side warrior to just be pretty awesome. You're still tough, but your choices are more reasonable.


Jedi Knight - I can't stand the male JK voice actor and the story seems so blah. Kira and T7 are the real highlights for this class and their dialog/wittiness doesn't wear thin like Vette's does. Sad that I would rather play as Kira or T7 than my actual Jedi.

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