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Force Cloak is Broken...


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As a Jedi Shadow I don't tank very well so I like to go invisible and sneak past enemies when possible. I never back down from a fight, but I'd like to go stealth and use CC when it comes to multiple mobs including Strongs and Elites. I switch into my tank stance when I'm one on one with Elite bosses.


The problem with this is the boss battles following a cutscene. This usually involves an Elite boss and a few trash adds. I die quickly in these scenarios if I can't CC the boss and cleanup the adds. So when a cutscene battle happens I immediately FC so that I can do some CC. However, this works probably 50% of the time where half the time myself or my companion draws aggro even when cloaked. Then I'm pretty much dead because I've already used up FC.


I use Tharan probably 90% of the time and he's mainly a healer. I can't rely on him for DPS so in a multiple mob fight I'm the Tank/DPS. This is where the cutscene battles suck because then I'm up the creek. I forgave this unfair advantage to healers and tanks because I thought I could just FC. But that doesn't work all the time.


This can be fixed by giving Shadows a CC that they can use in combat or increasing the stealth level of FC.

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If you are a shadow and can't tank, you are bad.


I can tank to a certain degree. I can tank one on one with bosses or multiple trash mobs. However, I cannot tank with multiple adds and an Elite boss (especially the casters). My Skill Tree is primarily DPS and I fight primarily in Shadow Technique unless I'm one on one with a boss.

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As a Jedi Shadow I don't tank very well so I like to go invisible and sneak past enemies when possible. I never back down from a fight, but I'd like to go stealth and use CC when it comes to multiple mobs including Strongs and Elites. I switch into my tank stance when I'm one on one with Elite bosses.


The problem with this is the boss battles following a cutscene. This usually involves an Elite boss and a few trash adds. I die quickly in these scenarios if I can't CC the boss and cleanup the adds. So when a cutscene battle happens I immediately FC so that I can do some CC. However, this works probably 50% of the time where half the time myself or my companion draws aggro even when cloaked. Then I'm pretty much dead because I've already used up FC.


I use Tharan probably 90% of the time and he's mainly a healer. I can't rely on him for DPS so in a multiple mob fight I'm the Tank/DPS. This is where the cutscene battles suck because then I'm up the creek. I forgave this unfair advantage to healers and tanks because I thought I could just FC. But that doesn't work all the time.


This can be fixed by giving Shadows a CC that they can use in combat or increasing the stealth level of FC.


2 words for you..... Black Out


This is a 1min ability that increases your stealth level. Let me CC and then get a good back stab in on my primary target.


Force Cloak is a stealth de-agro skill.

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So your basic problem is that you're not specced for tanking and yet you're complaining that you can't tank very well?


I'm not specced for tanking because I don't want to tank unless I have to. I prefer playing as a DPS using CC to divide and conquer. But cutscene battles force me to tank when I'm not specced to do so.


Healers don't have this problem. They can CC in combat and can hang back while their companion draws aggro while they heal him. The game doesn't force healers to tank so why should DPS be forced to tank.

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2 words for you..... Black Out


This is a 1min ability that increases your stealth level. Let me CC and then get a good back stab in on my primary target.


Force Cloak is a stealth de-agro skill.


Can you Mind Maze with Black Out on? I don't use BO often unless there are baddies blocking my way out of an area so I keep it on my 3rd slot.


De-aggro is the main reason I use FC. I want to "reset" the battle, CC the boss and clear out the adds.


Here's how I approach a boss fight:


Go stealth in Shadow Teq.--> Mind Maze the boss --> Kill adds with the increased DPS of ST --> Shadow Strike the CCed boss and quicky change to Combat Teq. --> Destroy boss in CT.

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Ok. The 2 stealth classes both have ways of cc during combat. They maybe be short but they buy enough time to do what you need. The reason why other healer classes have 1m long cc usable during combat is because they can't stealth so stop the QQ. So what do you do as an assassin? Whirlwind the elite, then electrocute the elite. Do this while you and your companion focus the others- if you are really dps specced then 12 secs is enough time for you to take down most if not all the extras. If not maybe you need to change your hybrid spec. I'm tank spec and haven't found the need to use cc in cutscenes fights. Also using the defensive cd as soon as the elite comes out of cc helps long enough for you to use another cc. This isn't a mechanic issue, it's a L2P issue.


Edit: change all things assassin and apply it to shadow. I don't know the shadow equivelant of the instant cc and the 8 sec one.

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You can also force pull and not break mind maze. I usually blackout to get in range to pop mind maze, walk backwards until I reach the limit of force pull's range, use force pull to separate the elite and then start the fight from there.




I also mind maze and then force pull out for group aoe's so the champ is not hit by AoE's.


The only way mind maze does not work is if you are in combat which force pull will cause aggro.

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Here's how I approach a boss fight:


Go stealth in Shadow Teq.--> Mind Maze the boss --> Kill adds with the increased DPS of ST --> Shadow Strike the CCed boss and quicky change to Combat Teq. --> Destroy boss in CT.


Would not know about Shadow Tech I am Kinetic Shadow. I have 19k HP's I only stealth in and out when I do not feel like killing simple cause on lvl 50 daily the kills for the most part bonus wise are just legacy XP and 1600 at that so not really worth my time. I just want in and out and get my 10k and daily com.


Generally I will stealth in to a group if I worried and CC one mob and pull it out of the way then force speed back to the group. This is due to Slow Time and FB being AoE in Combat Tech.


Sometimes I will CC one mob and then get my target and back stab it then hit with project which 8 out of 10 times is a back stab crit so the project is a crit.

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You can also force pull and not break mind maze. I usually blackout to get in range to pop mind maze, walk backwards until I reach the limit of force pull's range, use force pull to separate the elite and then start the fight from there.


Am I missing something? I am a level 42 Jedi Shadow and I have no such skill called Force Pull. I am looking at the skill and ability list and I can't find it. Where is this skill at?

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Am I missing something? I am a level 42 Jedi Shadow and I have no such skill called Force Pull. I am looking at the skill and ability list and I can't find it. Where is this skill at?


It is a skill from the Kinetic Tree.


Great skill in Hut Ball. force pull the ball carrier up to the start zone insta death and no score.


Also fun to force pull them into chems or fire and stun them.

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It is a skill from the Kinetic Tree.


Great skill in Hut Ball. force pull the ball carrier up to the start zone insta death and no score.


Also fun to force pull them into chems or fire and stun them.


Ah, the Kinetics take all the fun away. I am an Inf spec. I might just respec to play around with Kinetic spec.

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