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EU Community Guild Meeting #4


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EU Jan 2012 Guild and Fansite Community TownHall #4


TOR-World.com (A subsidiary of fragworld.org and formerly swtor.fragworld.org) is happy to announce the 11th Community TownHall and the first post launch Meeting. These events are a chance for SWTOR guild leaders and officers and fansite admins to come together and talk about recent happenings in the community, to meet other guilds, and discuss the future of the game. We are really excited about this upcoming meeting and we look forward to having you join us!


TORwars writeup


Hear Previous Events


Date & Location


Tuesday, January 31st


Time: 8.30PM GMT


Fragworld's TS3 Server:


Host/IP: TS3.fragworld.org


(enter it in exactly as shown above)


Live Stream


We will be holding a live stream of the event for non-participants.


You will find it here: Fragworld Stream


About our SWTOR TownHalls


These events are moderated town hall style meetings where guild leaders and officers as well as fansite admins, podcast hosts and other leaders of the community can interact with one another and discuss the issues and happenings around the game and their communities. It is also a useful and constructive way to provide feedback directly to Bioware and its community team as often these leaders represent the opinions of dozens, hundreds and even thousand of players.


There is an informal "Happy Hour" 30-60 minutes before and after the meeting where people can socialize and mingle informally. At the end of the meeting we also encourage people to "plug" or "promote" any events, features or news that would benefit the community. Meetings are typically 90 minutes.


We do record the audio from the meeting and we encourage the entire community esp non leader/officer community members to participate in the Livestream which is also moderated. Teamspeak also allows for public text chatting (useful for votes) and private messaging.


The livestream recording is available immediately and the audio is available for download, streaming and itunes usually 1-3 days after the meeting. Bioware folks often if not always lurk , listen or participate in the event. NDA and embargoed material are not permitted to be discussed.




To participate, post in this thread indicating that your guild will be present at the event with your Guild Name and Server. We limit groups to no more than two participants so all groups are represented equally. After posting simply show up on time in our TeamSpeak server.


To get added to our mailing list register at our site and go HERE or email support@fragworld.org with the message "swtor subscribe"


We do suggest you add your Guild to our searchable Guild Database and Fansites to our Fansite Database. It lets others know about you, lets you use our Guild Progression and other features and aids in recruiting.


We post the agenda well in advance and encourage everyone to suggest topics for discussion. Note that this event will be moderated, and participants are expected to be respectful of others throughout the event.



  • 7.30pm - 8.30pm GMT - Guild Happy Hour! Chat and Meet The Guilds
  • 8.30PM GMT - Meeting Starts
  • Introductions & Intro about http://www.TOR-World.com
  • Initial Impressions - The First Month
  • Likes, Dislikes and Suggestions
  • Patch 1.1 - Major Raiding Content In First Month & PVP Changes
  • Guild Features - One Month In And No Guild Banks
  • Future of TOR-World Events with Bioware
  • 3rd party Guild features (Bounty System, Guild Progression System)
  • 3rd Party Server Forums - When BW Does Not, We Do
  • Round Table and Plugs - (Plug your event or community feature, all fansites welcome)
  • Closing Comments
  • After Hours Party - Continue to Chat With Guild Leaders And Officers


* Some of the Leaders & Officers aired opinions, that they liked to be able to air their guilds opinions on events and game mechanics. So this month, I'd like all participants to come along with a few things their guild like about the game and some things they don't. That way, we can put together a short list for BioWare to work for!


Participating Guilds

Fragworld's Master List Of Guilds

We have had over 400 different Guild participate in our Events!


Signed Up So Far


  • The Knights Who Say Nii
  • The Immortals





Edited by JonoBradley
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