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Anyone else feel that after A new Hope---jedi lost their way?


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What I mean is this-


In a new hope, i at times felt like I was watching a kurosawa (sp) samurai movie. The jedi were very ronin/samurai-esque. It was a nice mix of seeing the respect they commanded, without having to see them do flips/dual-wielding lightsabers.


part of it was that budget and SFX were restrained... but I think another part of it was that Lucas had more people telling him to calm things down.


Now we get to the prequels, lucas is on his own, and jedi are now hippies super ninjas...wow.


anyone agree?

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It has to do with the eras in the timeline. In the Old Republic the Jedi were pretty ubiquitous and well known. Their studies were done out in the open and most people accepted Jedi for who they were, force users. Flip this to the Empire era and in just a couple decades the Jedi were all but wiped out and shunned because no one wanted to be associated with them. There were really quite a few number of Jedi, meaning more than just a couple, but they either went into hiding to continue their studies or gave up the order all together out of fear. However, Jedi have had to operate under a very wide variety of political climates. The order survives, just as does the Sith, and for many the same reasons.
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If anything the Jedi didn't lose their way at or after a new hope.. they were rebuilding to what they once were..


i think the bigger problem you and I and other star wars fans have with the series is that in the original trilogy there was no special effects. everything looked real because it was. everything was either a set built for the movies or hand made models.. with the new trilogy everything is CG... i understand that there had to be a certain grandeur about the republic that had to be expressed.. but the focus was on the looks of it all and not on actual story.. \


maybe you and i and many others like the original trilogy jedi because there was more story to them.. their destinies were more intricate.. the story was bigger. i love them all..


if anyone lost their way it was lucas... after return of the jedi

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The Jedi lost their way 1000 years before a New Hope, when they grew despondent and failed to realise Darth Bane had survived Ruusan, and had set the Jedi demise in motion.


A new Hope was in fact the Jedi realising they had screwed up, and that the Son of the Jedi who betrayed them, was their only chance to put things right.

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It's better than Obi Wan vs. Darth Vader in Episode four. I know, budget restraints and an old actor, you think you could swing a little there Obi? You know, more than just hold out the lightsaber and tap at Vader's blade.


You have a lightweight weapon, the energy of the universe to assist you and light armor, and you want them to have an Episode V, clunky swordsman type battle? It's silly.

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In the original trilogy, lightsabers were swords. They were treated like edged weapons, and the few characters with them were fencing. They were cool because they were rarely carried, rarely seen, and early.


In the prequel trilogy, lightsabers were billyclubs. They were swung with wild and silly abandon, and were kind of lame when every third person to walk across the screen had one.

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In the original trilogy, lightsabers were swords. They were treated like edged weapons, and the few characters with them were fencing. They were cool because they were rarely carried, rarely seen, and early.


In the prequel trilogy, lightsabers were billyclubs. They were swung with wild and silly abandon, and were kind of lame when every third person to walk across the screen had one.



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I think that you nailed it. Lucas has always said that his movies (with the exception of THX-1138) were meant for children, and the subject matter seems to be taken straight from the boy Lucas's soul: American Grafitti for his memories of cruising in Modesto as a teenager; Star Wars and Indiana Jones for the Saturday morning sci fi and adventure serials; Willow for Lord of the Rings; Howard the Duck for comic strips.


The problem is that as he has gotten older, his movies have represented less what he would have wanted as a child (Han shoots first; cynical Kurosawa films) and more what he wants for his children (Greedo shoots first; bloodless cartoons).

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