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Merc help


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I have a lv 32 merc and i've started to realize a pattern. I've tried both the aresenal and bodyguard trees and with each i cant seem to do enough damage or take enough to survive in boss fights, and 1 silver takes me down to half health, can someone tell me the talents and rotation i should use? the story line was just getting interesting and i would be disappointed if i had to quit before i even got my jawa
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I have a lv 32 merc and i've started to realize a pattern. I've tried both the aresenal and bodyguard trees and with each i cant seem to do enough damage or take enough to survive in boss fights, and 1 silver takes me down to half health, can someone tell me the talents and rotation i should use? the story line was just getting interesting and i would be disappointed if i had to quit before i even got my jawa


Use Tracer missle a few times to stack armor debuff, Unload, and then Rail Shot. Throw a few Rapid shots in the mix to help you manage heat a bit better.


You should be plastering mobs to the wall as a Merc. Also...Concussion Missle is a great assest to take on large spawns. I use it to take on SETS of elites. If your not killing an equal level elite in 20secs or less you might want to look at your gear, not just your rotation.

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Bodyguard = Healing - so your dps will be quite low, naturally; (uses Combat Support Cylinder)

Arsenal = DPS (straight/burst) - very good dmg; (uses High Velocity Cylinder)

Pyrotech = DPS (DoTs) - very good dmg, just not as bursty as Arsenal; (uses Combustible Gas Cylinder)


Choose 1 ! :)

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Make sure:

1) You are using the right companion.

If you are Bodyguard spec, use Gault. Keep his health >75% and then add in Unloads when you can.

If you are Arsenal, Use Mako. She should keep you healed while you blow the crud out of the silver.

2) Make sure you are keeping up with your companion's gear. If Mako is still in her beginner items, that would explain a lot.

3) Make sure you are using good strategy. When you have a silver (or gold) and several weak ones, use concussion missile to CC the silver, kill all the weak ones, heal up and let your heat dissipate if needed, then blow away the silver.


Good luck and let us know if that helps.

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As one of the above posters said make use of Concussion missile its very good. Use it even if you don't think you need to (x2 elites).


Heat shouldn't be an issue since if you crit with a missile you vent heat out everytime. With arsenal anyway. And make sure your using High velocity chamber.


Umm... keep gear up to date.


Mako as your companion ( her heals are very helpful, keep her gear somewhat dated too )


Need anything else keep posting away there are helpful people here^^ As long as your not QQ'ing about the class being bad lol.

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I am just assuming 'boss' means elites, if not then please clarify.


I'm Arsenal - Mako is the best, she is a healing fiend - but, MAKE SURE you check her skill bar and she is utilizing all her skills - especially the Healing spec skill and not the Damage spec skill (forgot names, not in game.) Look at her skills bar, if theres a lot of skills that are not on - turn em on! I put her bar on my left screen just to make sure her stuff is always on. This definitely makes a difference, I dont know why our companions have skills that are not being utilized at all times, but it is what it is. Look at that bar :)


Mako also has her own stun and it lasts a good amount of time. She tends to use it on what you aren't on - add control, gotta love her, but she will also use it on a single mob scenario almost every time.


As was stated - use concussion, use kolto, use your own heals. Haven't tried it, but I dont think mobs insta-heal when you use your mez, so use that , take a sec to heal, resume bombardment :p

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Most of this has been said, but here is what I do.


I run Mako first of all. She keeps me healed and I have to focus less on my health and more on dishing out the DPS


High Velocity Gas Cylinder is a must or I over heat.


I usually stack tracer missiles on 5 times. I have to hit them 3 times to get 5. If the boss is really tough I'll continue hitting them until my shield stacks 5 times for a little extra protection.


I'll then use unload and rail shot. If there's a mob I'll usually open up with Death From Above and kill off or severely hurt the lesser members of the mob. After that I'll focus on the elite(s). Getting rid of the lesser mob member is important though as they're stacking a lot of DPS against you. If the DFA doesn't kill off the weaker mob members then the occasional Rapid Shot will.


Also, make sure your gear is up to spec. I'm lvl 34 and I still have the lvl 20 pvp armor. I just make sure to keep it upgraded. It is almost always better than loot and reward armor. If I ever find any armor better, then I know its time to find new parts to upgrade my armor. I also check for upgrades periodically. Its pretty important to keep on top of your gear. You get squishy very fast if you don't.

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Bodyguard = Healing - so your dps will be quite low, naturally; (uses Combat Support Cylinder)

Arsenal = DPS (straight/burst) - very good dmg; (uses High Velocity Cylinder)

Pyrotech = DPS (DoTs) - very good dmg, just not as bursty as Arsenal; (uses Combustible Gas Cylinder)


Choose 1 ! :)


i agree except in pvp, i use combustible gas, burn stealthers burn (dots will break stealth)

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Seriosuly, a big part of playing a Merc is learning which attacks are best for the type of critter your facing.


Standard and weak mob groups for instance, using tracer is kind of a waste of "time".


Explosive Dart->switch targets->Missle blast->Rapid Shots or unload-> switch targets-> Missle blast-> Rapid Shots, rinse repeat till all are dead.


Yes you build heat but it switches things up a bit from tracer spam and with the AOE from Explosive Dart & Missle Blast you keep the mobs bouncing around, especially those that love to close to melee range. It's also actually faster then spamming tracer sometimes.

Edited by HopeSlayer
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