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Ravage is screwed


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I dont know if its just me or not, but sometimes i cast Ravage and i do the animation but the skill doesnt affect the enemy.

this can happen 2-3 times in one go and is really starting to grind my gears.

I'm wondering if there is going to be any attempts to sort this out?

Ravage is one of our main skills, seems really stupid to have it bugged

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I dont know if its just me or not, but sometimes i cast Ravage and i do the animation but the skill doesnt affect the enemy.

this can happen 2-3 times in one go and is really starting to grind my gears.

I'm wondering if there is going to be any attempts to sort this out?

Ravage is one of our main skills, seems really stupid to have it bugged


Well known bug and not the only bug with Ravage which makes it one of thw rost skills the Marauder has because Ravage is pratically a screw yourself over skill.

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thats pretty annoying, what other bugs does it have?

I would still like to know if there is going to be any attempt to rectify it aswell?


Ravage is one of the many bugged skills maras have. not only is there the "attack the air" with no effect portion of the ability, i've also noticed when using it that i can spam it several times and then have the enemey reappear 10M away with the move still off cooldown. Force choke being another ability where the animation activates but does nothing. Not to mention when im spamming my saber ward hotkey and nothing happens, same thing with berserk/predation, spam the key nothing happens. Its come to the point where I dont even use force choke/ravage because like previously stated they are **** yourself moves.

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