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rakata synthweaving


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Some purple's can be RE'ed to a higher level, though the schematic stays purple. The schematics that start out blue all RE to purple and then RE again to another purple. It has nothing to do with the color of the item and everything to do with the concrete prefixes you can get. Read up on RE on this very forum. I'd be very surprised if can upgrade those rekata ones since that would be OP.
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No - when you RE class sets, (or the similar non-set epic gear you get from Hard Modes) you just get a message stating "There's no information about X" and it destroys the item without giving any materials.


afaik that is only true for non-craftable stuff...

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No. Purple is as high as you can go in any pattern , after that there is no upgrade, only another higher level pattern that you will be able to find/learn when they put it in.


that's untrue, you can reverse engineer purples for better schematics that have [superior] in them.

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