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The official this is horrible thread


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Please note this is not a bug related thread... This is your official (this part of the game is horrible because) rant thread...


I will start with the obvious... It's amazing that with all the patches and attempts of fixing things.. not one really needed thing has been addressed and in some cases have been made even worse.. (yes, its possible to fail at failing)


The UI is horrible.

Nevermind the pathetic inability to place things where you want, get stats of whats going on, or basically do anything... The hotbars are screwed, so you end up mashing buttons that do nothing... Because they appear ready but are at 90-99%.... Many usable items such as relics and whatnot, (if manage to actually stay on the hotbars), are greyed out, even if ready.. LOL


The combat is horrible

Please add more CC here please.. Im pretty sure CC was added, due to the poor programming.. the poor engine, to help alleviate system overload.. which is so apparent in 50 battles... Lower levels seem okay to handle This was basically a game killer.. Can SWTOR combat ever come back from this horribly poor design choice? I have lost faith at what would have to be done to fix combat in this game. Entire classes will be wiped or at least change so much its pointless to even try... Say hello to GW2 for me...


I mean we spend more time in a stunned state, then in actual play mode... Something we learned 10 years ago was bad, being installed in a modern TRIPLE A title?!?!?! FIRE ALL THE TEAM, OBVIOUSLY HAVE NO CLUE...


The PvP is even more horrible

Seriously... no stats for factions to create a reason to play the game?? Run around and do easter egg hunting??? You thought the realm vs realm was the success of DaoC? it was the RvR WITH STATISTICS... Wake up and smell the game design industry... Stats rule all.. RvR is just a reason to work the stats...


The statistics are horrible

Where is the stats? The number of creatures killed, the logs of battles? The number of republic my guild has killed?!? There is NOTHING! What have you been doing for 5 years?


same old horrible linear gameplay

doesnt matter if your a warrior, sorc, trooper.. Just mash the same buttons over and over whoever you attack, no reason to think about tactics or elements.... you are what you are...

insert baby code here.. might as well give me an auto attack macro... maybe i can enjoy some particle effects for a change, since combat is nothing more than the same thing over and over.. ugh... wanna know why asherons call was a success, its called lore, bestiary, planning, observicing, adapting.. conquering... not 1, 4,5,2,4,2,1,1,5 sequences over and over.


The camera is horrifying

Wow, snap to ceiling... WOOT, where am I... im now running the wrong way with the ball... WhoTF created this game? Fire them instantly, they should be serving **** star rejects coffee.


I have 5000 more of these rants and little to nothing good to say... please continue for me...


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