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What motivates you to still play as OP?


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Don't let morons scare you out of your class. They're dropping the damage on ONE move. OPs aren't getting some huge nerf like everyone is making it sound


you are misinformed.


20% reduction in hidden strike

20% reduction in AP

50% reduction in kockdown.


The 50% reduction in knockdown means that you are going to have to snare to keep them in range. So no longer




AB-HS-(sever tendon - because it is the only thing that will keep them near you while they have a FULL RESOLVE BAR from a 1.5 second move)-SH-LAcerate


So, it's not just hte 3 reductions, it is the BAckstab that you have to replace as well. causing even more decrease in damage.

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The IA has a great story, some interesting companions, and a nice ship. If that's what you want from the game welcome. If you aren't a powergamer and don't care that your class is outshined by others, then you won't be frustrated at all. If you enjoy pvp, or end game progression style raiding, you probably want to pick another class.
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Want to know why? Because there are 3-4x more sorc/merc players than operatives. Bioware will cater to their largest customer base, regardless of what is fair and what isn't.



There were 1000 threads calling for nerf operative - so of course we got nerfed.

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What people dont seem to realise the noobs saying nerf opp they to opp we cant survive is mainly Sorcerers and they are just whinning because they are clothys and the one thing clothys cant take is heavy hits and when they see a imperial concealment opperative which is verry rare they cry cause they know they are dead. Easy Solution QUIT PLAYING Sorc if you dont realise concealment ops are designed to kick your ***. i can tell plenty weaknesses on the concealment opp for example they have no closing ability such as force leap that warriors and knights can seem to just use 24-7. They cant take as much damage as other classes can. and people who keep saying ohh the opp is flavour of the month is the qqers who are sorcs and cant pvp AT ALL.
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I have no idea why you'd be discouraged from playing an Operative. They're absurdly good right now and will still be good after the nerfs. Particularly if you play PvE...this stuff is going to do little except make the game a slight bit harder. And it's already fairly easy for Operatives so that's not a bad thing.
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I originally intended to play an operative as a healer and hopped on the gravy concealment train. Now that the train has de-railed, so glad that I have PvP er PvE field medic gear.


I heal anyway doing PvE. Just that DPS in general is alot more rewarding in PvP since healers only get a medal for doing a 2.5k heal, and doing 75k healing.... which isn't hard at all especially for a Sith Sorcerer DPSer.

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