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Why the hate for healers---Dev answer?


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It's a bit silly that people expect healers to stop doing their jobs, their given jobs to do some DPS and leave others to die.


On Ilum we HAVE to do that and people who know me as a healer in WZ's might get a little bit peeved that I'm not keeping them up for as long as possible. I often stay on Ilum after I've done the daily to help others stay up and get their 30 kills BUT in doing this I recieve no valor at all... unless I start tagging kills which usually results in a team mates death anyway.

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Sufran, you should read the patch notes. Medpacs no longer contribute to medals.


Are you also that blind, to realise what else can a DPS do? Do you see Guard in their spec options, or how about a Heal? They don't, so how can anything else be expected of them?


There are no "pure" healers in this game, atleast being a healer you have the option to do both. Choosing not to use that is your choice.


If you don't like DPS'ing then don't do it. If your such a guru and love to heal, be grateful with what you get.


Can SOMEONE please answer me this, if more medals are added. What happen's to the current players who are able to obtain 7/9 medals a warzone, would get those aswell as the additional medals? Just because someone doesn't want to do something, doesn't mean that you don't have the option to do so.

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Then your heals and friends are apparnetly insignificant. I can heal for 5k+ aswell as HoT and Bubble. Unless someone is getting trained by everyone, that is normally enough to keep melee targets up. Range should be out of range of melee etc.
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Can SOMEONE please answer me this, if more medals are added. What happen's to the current players who are able to obtain 7/9 medals a warzone, would get those aswell as the additional medals? Just because someone doesn't want to do something, doesn't mean that you don't have the option to do so.


It isn't a matter of wanting to dps or not wanting to. I love being able to heal and dps but in a tight, competitive match you aren't always able to dps without letting people die.


And 7-9 medals doesn't compete with the assassin who consistently gets 10-12 simply by dpsing and taunting on cd.


I'm not sure what the answer is to adding more medals and making healers not be overpowered in that regard but right now we get screwed by healing(which is our specialization after all). If I'm going to get 8-9 medals it's by just hitting my 75k heal medal then dpsing the rest of the match which is extremely counter-productive, I'd might as well just spec dps.

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deviating from my role in order to obtain DPS medals


Ahahah...So if 10% sentinel is sitting on you, you will be tank-healing yourself, so that you dont DEVIATE from your role?


Dude, PvP is not RP - sorry to confuse you. If you are a healer specced, it only improves your healing, it does not limit you as a player.


You should be versatile, if a situation demands dps, you pump damage (as much as your spec allows you), being a healer does not make you special (it only gives you more arsenal). (Disc priests contribute a lot to bursting, resto druids with aggressive CC+dots/wrath, holy palas with hoj/kicks/shocks, resto shamans with shocks/purges/offensive play, etc)


If you want to maximize valor as a healer in this game - you do this and that (simple steps that kids can do). If you think it harms your feelings and deviates from your *VIP* healing role, then you're doing something wrong.

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I do 400k healing in a warzone.


A dps does 240k damage.


I get 4 medals.


He gets 9 medals.


Got broken? Why won't any devs respond to this issue?


Anyway I'm officially done healing. We're better off farming medals and LOSING than healing and WINNING for the valor grind.


If they remove medals from med pack heals it would be a bit more balanced as most people cant get 2 sometimes 3 medals jsut from them

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There just isn't a solution that works. If healing someone contributed to kills, it wouldn't work. Because you could just heal every player and then lap up all of the kills they get. Toss out an ae heal and bingo! Eventually you would be able to get more than the DPS.


Healing is important, but so is DPS, without it your team won't be getting kills. DPS especially MELEE players generally put themselves in harms way, far more than a half competant ranged HEALER. As a Sorcerer I can keep at maximum range and position myself out of harms way. My friend the Marauder, has to be within everyone's radius to be able to deal damage. Who do you think die's more often, do you not think they should also be rewarded?

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Ahahah...So if 10% sentinel is sitting on you, you will be tank-healing yourself, so that you dont DEVIATE from your role?


Dude, PvP is not RP - sorry to confuse you. If you are a healer specced, it only improves your healing, it does not limit you as a player.


You should be versatile, if a situation demands dps, you pump damage (as much as your spec allows you), being a healer does not make you special (it only gives you more arsenal). (Disc priests contribute a lot to bursting, resto druids with aggressive CC+dots/wrath, holy palas with hoj/kicks/shocks, resto shamans with shocks/purges/offensive play, etc)


If you want to maximize valor as a healer in this game - you do this and that (simple steps that kids can do). If you think it harms your feelings and deviates from your *VIP* healing role, then you're doing something wrong.


Wow you're dense...


Nobody is arguing that we CAN'T get medals.


The point is if you're specialized in healing but you aren't healing you're essentially a waste to your team. Sure there's situations where dpsing is the better thing to do, but in most cases during a competitive fight using your specialization is what helps your team win.


If there's two people under 50% and three enemies under 50% you're telling me I should dps instead of healing? Good luck justifying that one...


**And yes Proppa, there is a solution that works. I'm not saying healers should be given the most medals by default but a few more medals would go a long way. Perhaps reward the pure healer in a way that a hybrid won't just take every current medal+the new ones.


100k heals in one life.

25k heals to another person without them dying.

25k heals to flag carrier or person defending doors, etc.

Make the 10/25 kill medals automatic for being in the vicinity.


And ya know what, if the hybrid does happen to grab every current medal+the new ones then that hybrid probably deserves to be on top of the medal count. Currently an assassin can get 12 medals by simply going tank presence, dpsing, putting guard on someone, and taunting.


If you're telling me that assassin's play should be more rewarding than what a healer is normally expected to do...

Edited by Jooji
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Your situation is opposite to what he is saying though. You have a tank at 10% health beating on you, interupting you, stunning you, knocking you back so you aren't healing as effectively as you should. Do you just let him continue to do so?


It is completely situational and in the instance you say, I would always heal those players up. But if I can toss out a dot aswell to give that little bit of extra help.


What valor rank are you btw?

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I did 650K healing this weekend in a voidstar and got 4 medals. I can get 5-6 if i forego healing and start dpsing. I am usually the only healer in most WZ's so if I stop healing to get medals we usually lose.


It does not seem right that my team wins because because of my healing and I get half as many medals. I would go dps but I wouuld rather win than get medals.


There is something broken about the medal system IMO.

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Wow you're dense...


Nobody is arguing that we CAN'T get medals.


The point is if you're specialized in healing but you aren't healing you're essentially a waste to your team. Sure there's situations where dpsing is the better thing to do, but in most cases during a competitive fight using your specialization is what helps your team win.


If there's two people under 50% and three enemies under 50% you're telling me I should dps instead of healing? Good luck justifying that one...


Get out of your tunnelvision.


You do the healing ALL the time. This is what you here for. BUT, you also have a FREE time to throw a dot, or do a basic attack. Or assist with dps. If it's too multitasking or hardcore for you, you can try easier games (6+).


When everybody is full hp you're probably experiencing a brain failure, cause you have nothing to do. Be careful, such cognitive dissonance can harm you.

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Get out of your tunnelvision.


You do the healing ALL the time. This is what you here for. BUT, you also have a FREE time to throw a dot, or do a basic attack. Or assist with dps. If it's too multitasking or hardcore for you, you can try easier games (6+).


When everybody is full hp you're probably experiencing a brain failure, cause you have nothing to do. Be careful, such cognitive dissonance can harm you.


You've apparently never healed a tough, competitive match.


If there isn't healing to be done or if I know people are safe I'll always throw out dps. Some matches this just isn't possible though.


As the above poster just mentioned, if he's the only healer there's ALWAYS healing needed, and sometimes that's just to keep people at 50% or barely alive. The most competitive matches, when healing is the most needed is when we really get screwed. Obviously in an easy match where there's little healing needed we can throw out some dps.

Edited by Jooji
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Get out of your tunnelvision.


You do the healing ALL the time. This is what you here for. BUT, you also have a FREE time to throw a dot, or do a basic attack. Or assist with dps. If it's too multitasking or hardcore for you, you can try easier games (6+).


When everybody is full hp you're probably experiencing a brain failure, cause you have nothing to do. Be careful, such cognitive dissonance can harm you.


This is wrong unless you are running in premades only. I never stop healing untill I am out of force in PuG WZ's. If there is time to throw out a few DoT's or some other abilities to dps I am handicapping myself as it uses a lot of force and I run out faster. Also it never amounts to much damage and I may get 1 more medal if I am lucky.

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Ruuprect what class are you? I'm assuming a sorcerer? Do you not use Resurgence -> Inervate and Consumption to get Force power back?


I rarely have force problems (600 force). With Bubble - > Resurgence -> Dark Heal (4k average), aswell as AE heal or Innervate, I can often keep people up to leave myself enough time to do a small ammount of dps to reach the 25 kills and sometimes 75k dps mark.


Yes, some warzones I have to focus on healing and don't get as many medals, but normally if my team is doing that badly they are also only on 4/5 medals.


It's all relative, if I get 6/9 medals, then I can be the top of the leaderboards, or close to it.

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Yes, some warzones I have to focus on healing and don't get as many medals, but normally if my team is doing that badly they are also only on 4/5 medals.


It's all relative, if I get 6/9 medals, then I can be the top of the leaderboards, or close to it.


If I get 6-9 medals it means the assassin or jug on my team probably got 10-12 medals.


And what do you mean by if your team is doing badly? If you keep them alive they get your medals than you. It's that simple.

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its been a issue for long, and devs get some work done please.


Yes SWTOR is a good game.


But, healing pvp is a punch in the face, when doing illum u will most off the time not get kills if u heal, so making a healers dps insted shouldnt we just role dps, and not even put the healing class in?


Trauma = almost 100% of the time 30% healing debuff, because of bugs, and bad mechanics its almost ALWAYS up on people.


So what can you do devs?


Fix that healers will get medals for kills even if theres gone more than 5 sek since we healed a person and he kills.


Remove Trauma.


Give group kill valor, in illum and world pvp even if the person didnt active help, if he is in range. Yes some people can use this but rather have some use it than ******** getting punish due to BAD mechanics.

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Sufran, you should read the patch notes. Medpacs no longer contribute to medals.

Oh darn, I’ve been absurdly busy lately so missed that. How silly of me. In that case, I retract my complaint entirely. If DPS classes lack self-heals (I know some retain healing abilities but it wouldn't be fair to judge without knowing if all do) or don't possess health recovery mechanics that are comparable to the equivalent healer DPS then I see no problem at all with the present incarnation. I regret that this paradigm was ever created but would see no problem.


Ahahah...So if 10% sentinel is sitting on you, you will be tank-healing yourself, so that you dont DEVIATE from your role?


Dude, PvP is not RP - sorry to confuse you. If you are a healer specced, it only improves your healing, it does not limit you as a player.


You should be versatile, if a situation demands dps, you pump damage (as much as your spec allows you), being a healer does not make you special (it only gives you more arsenal). (Disc priests contribute a lot to bursting, resto druids with aggressive CC+dots/wrath, holy palas with hoj/kicks/shocks, resto shamans with shocks/purges/offensive play, etc)


If you want to maximize valor as a healer in this game - you do this and that (simple steps that kids can do). If you think it harms your feelings and deviates from your *VIP* healing role, then you're doing something wrong.

Thanks for the pointless lecture, you’re preaching to the converted as you’d know if you read my post. I do all of these things.


You remain a cretin as illustrated by the capacity to entirely undermine your post by saying this: Where did I say that I wouldn’t do it? You selectively quoted a minute aspect of what I said and constructed a complete straw-man by envisaging a scenario wherein a 10% DPS is attacking. Similarly, I did not claim to be ‘special’ so you’ve constructed another straw-man as my point pertained to either having universal hybridisation of roles or none at all.

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Ruuprect what class are you? I'm assuming a sorcerer? Do you not use Resurgence -> Inervate and Consumption to get Force power back?


I rarely have force problems (600 force). With Bubble - > Resurgence -> Dark Heal (4k average), aswell as AE heal or Innervate, I can often keep people up to leave myself enough time to do a small ammount of dps to reach the 25 kills and sometimes 75k dps mark.


Yes, some warzones I have to focus on healing and don't get as many medals, but normally if my team is doing that badly they are also only on 4/5 medals.


It's all relative, if I get 6/9 medals, then I can be the top of the leaderboards, or close to it.


Sage :)


I do use the ability to get force back when I can, sometimes I cant afford the gcd it uses up or someone will die. Maybe half the matches that I run are that crazy and about half the time I can throw out my dot on a bunch of people and get the 10 kills and I can snipe a KB. That usually get me 5-6 medals but the dps are also getting like 9-11 in matches where i do have time to dps a little.


I just think they could add like a 500k healing done medal and maybe some objective based medals for healers as I am normally around the objectives on alderaan and can get the defence medals in that 1. I would just like to be able to get another medal or 2 for doing what I am supposed to be doing when full heal specced in WZ's.

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I just think they could add like a 500k healing done medal and maybe some objective based medals for healers as I am normally around the objectives on alderaan and can get the defence medals in that 1. I would just like to be able to get another medal or 2 for doing what I am supposed to be doing when full heal specced in WZ's.


Exactly. We don't get defense medals despite keeping people up so they can get the medals. If anyone wants to defend that system you're clearly a moron, or just someone who hates healers.


As I've already mentioned, the harder the match, the more healers get screwed on medals.

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Then if medal's mean so much to you, screw your team mates?


500k medal not necssarily a bad thing, although this really doesn't help the lower level / geared healers who are struggling to brake 300k.


I think the trouble is, you don't seem to get that no class is a "pure" healer, whereas DPS classes don't have anything but in most cases.


Healers have potential for DPS and with instant abilities there are no reason not to toss them out, with low cooldowns on them. It all soon adds up.


Yes, if a match is challenging, just make a comment at the end of the warzone of "christ look at my 450k healing" and watch how many MVP votes you get. Especially if your in a group of randoms. Obviously premade / grouped players vote for each other though.

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Then if medal's mean so much to you, screw your team mates?


500k medal not necssarily a bad thing, although this really doesn't help the lower level / geared healers who are struggling to brake 300k.


I think the trouble is, you don't seem to get that no class is a "pure" healer, whereas DPS classes don't have anything but in most cases.


Healers have potential for DPS and with instant abilities there are no reason not to toss them out, with low cooldowns on them. It all soon adds up.


Yes, if a match is challenging, just make a comment at the end of the warzone of "christ look at my 450k healing" and watch how many MVP votes you get. Especially if your in a group of randoms. Obviously premade / grouped players vote for each other though.


I wish making comments about my 450k healing got me MVP votes lol. I never get any :(


Healing can be a thankless job.


I would go a hybrid spec if I could and when we get dual spec , I will, and that may help a lot. But I have to keep my full heal spec for PvE and I dont want to keep respeccing all the time so I can go between PvP to PvE.


I just think that it would be nice for healers to be able to go full heal spec in WZ's without gimping thier medal abilities. It really adds up over time, so healers will gear up slower.


I have seen quite a few good healers go dps so they can get more medals. It's too bad as we won a lot more with them healing, because there are so few healers in WZ's on my server now.

Edited by Ruuprect
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Then if medal's mean so much to you, screw your team mates?


As a matter of fact I've tested when I play as a "healer" and when I play for medals. Guess which style resulted in winning every game.


And that's the whole problem. I'm not sure why you keep arguing it. For playing the role our spec is designed to play, we get the shaft on medals, valor, etc. We shouldn't need every mvp vote to match a dps or tank.

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