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Carnage Spec Stats


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Obviously Str, but I have been finding a hard time figuring out what is next. My guess would be Power>Accuracy>Crit>Surge, but I can't really find anywhere exactly what the best secondary stats are.


Thanks in advance.


This is a tricky question. Depending on your spec it can change.


Annihilation, I hear, favors Crit over all else.


Carnage(my spec) favors Power and Crit, although how much power actually does for us is up for debate...(110 power gives us +30 damage....is that really worth it?)


Rage probably Power and Surge/Crit.


I hear 110% accuracy is our goal, but that is a lot of accuracy. Even as a Carnage marauder, every single piece of our armor would have to have Accuracy on it to even get close. I think that number is too high. With full battlemaster, Ataru Form, and Narrow Hatred, we still only get around 105% accuracy. I think the PvE gear has a little more Accuracy but no where near to get the 110% people are saying we need.

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