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Any real life soldiers playing trooper?


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Austrian (not Australia!!) trained Hunter (in the US I think it whould something equal to a Ranger) in my conscription 2003-2004. Later I have served in the headquarters Company in the Aviation Regiment 1 of the Austrian Armed Forces.


Sorry if my english is not perfect, "Imperial basic" is not my native language ;)




Numquam retro

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9 years in the USMC as a 0311(Infantry Rifleman), got out an E5. After a ten year break in service I came back as a 5811(Combat MP). Still an E5 and 42 YOA. Crap these kids are tougher then I remember or am I just old? Got kids in my squad that are young enough to be my kids. Coming up on the EAS and thinking I might just go back to the 1st Civ Div.
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