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Galactic History 39 Datacron in Mos Ila, Tatooine


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Agent Bunnie report


As I wonder the streets of Mos Ila on Tatooine I see the yellow glow of a Datacron just above the market. I jumped from building to catwalk just to fall down as I try to jump to the pipe, I am still searching for alternate ways up to this Datacron. I am now asking for help from the Empire knowledge base. Please advise of any easier solutions as I have spend more then three days trying to get this datacron.

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Theres to ways to get to it. The Way I got it, (and hopefully I can say this in a way that makes sense.) was I went up the road the south of it so I could turn and 'look' like I could jump to the big orange canopy (aka Road and canopy were even). Look at the rocks on your left, follow the left edge and very close there is a gap between the rocks and the building. Jump through that, then it's just a short game of Mario Platforming to finish reaching it. Hopefully, I said this in a way that makes sense. I can't find the video guide I used for it right now.
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Drive counter-lockwise around the large mountain behind the datacron. You will eventually drive up a slope. Up there, follow the reddish rocky ledge around the outer wall of the building on the right, until you come to a spot where one of the ropes holding one of the large "sails" is tethered to a pole. You can jump on the rope and go over the sail and onto a building down the slope you came from. From that building goes another sail to a tower near the central rock - and then you jump clockwise around that very tower using various pipe, protruding metal beams etc; this is the hardest part. From there just follow rooftops until you get to the datacron.

Edited by Mephane
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Theres to ways to get to it. The Way I got it, (and hopefully I can say this in a way that makes sense.) was I went up the road the south of it so I could turn and 'look' like I could jump to the big orange canopy (aka Road and canopy were even). Look at the rocks on your left, follow the left edge and very close there is a gap between the rocks and the building. Jump through that, then it's just a short game of Mario Platforming to finish reaching it. Hopefully, I said this in a way that makes sense. I can't find the video guide I used for it right now.



Patch 1.1 took this easy route out - They put a big rock in the gap and took out the umbrella, while also redoing the rocks. Somebody wanted to make sure the original route was the only way.


APOLOGIES for the wall of text.




Original way: As said in another post travel counter clock wise till you come to a hill, go up the hill and jump along the rocks that give you a cliff to your right and a building to your left. When you come to the pole with the sail tied to it, climb the rocks to your left and turn on sprint, jump to the top of the pole. Then walk along the sail to the other side and drop down to the roof. Run to where the solar array is and drop to the lower roof to the left. Now go to your left and at the knee wall look over and line up on the lower ledge, now jump over, land on the ledge then jump up to the top of the first block. Turn right and go across to the dome with a notch, jump up to its ledge and follow it to the right. Now jump up on the next block, line up with the flange in front of you and make a running jump to that pipe. Back up a little and make a running jump to the roof in front of you.


Now the *&^ %$(*&*& 665433 &^$# hard part. Line up with the joint of the girder and the wall to your left, then move laterally to your right, keeping that joint as the target then make a diagonal running jump to that point on the girder. Once on the girder turn right, move forward till you are on a diagonal line from the girder, to the pipe, to the walkway at the point of it joining the building. Make sure sprint is off, now make a short running jump from the girder to the pipe, back up a little on the pipe and make a running jump to the walkway. You should land on the walkway near the juncture of the walkway wall and the building. Now walk across this walkway to the left.


Now for the second &^% #$@$ &*^%@ $@ @ hard part. Jump on to the knee wall to the left, do this at the joint of the knee wall and the tower, walk back along the wall a little, turn around and make a running jump from near the wall building joint to the pipe. you will need to run and jump straight but as you jump turn to the left a little to make the pipe. back up a little and align to the flange and pipe to the left, jump to the pipe then up and over the wall.


The &^% $#@ *$% part is over. Now head to your left, jump up and over the next wall and follow the second story around clock wise, three-quarters of the way around.


In third person view look for and align on the lower wall, then jump over and land on that wall. Jump to the roof in front of you, then walk around clock wise, half way around, till you see the next lower roof. Jump over the wall to this roof and your prize.




The easy way: get a Sorc to go to the datacron then Force Pull you up.


Edited by Ujest
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