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Level 49 vs level 50 armouring


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Is there really much point in getting it?


For my Juggernaught it'll cost me 40 commendations (that i can spend on ear/implant) for a total of 65 more armor and .20% dmg reduction.

Which is a miniscule amount when i have 6500 armor and 45% dmg reduction already..


is there something i'm missing?

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I don't think so personally. You're probably going to get a bigger upgrade from your earpiece/implant than you will from bumping up your armor that little bit. Those things are huge upgrades over the level 49 crafting purples.


eh i've been told that it's been theorised that because its only level 49, you've a much higher chance of being crit against level 50 bosses, than you would in level 50 gear...

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eh i've been told that it's been theorised that because its only level 49, you've a much higher chance of being crit against level 50 bosses, than you would in level 50 gear...


The people who theorized that need to be slapped in the face. Item level has zero effect on crit%. It's nothing more than anecdotal observations that aren't supported by in game data mining.


To answer the OP:


You need to invest in what you believe is a better net gain for your particular situation. I, personally, bypassed the earpiece because I netted better stats from a mastercraft earpiece which I purchased off the market. If you have the money, maybe you can go that route and use your commendation investment for armorings?


I can't answer that for you. Only you can answer that. Whatever you decide will be the right choice. You won't be gimping yourself no matter what you decide.

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You can get better tanking implants and earrings from the auction house than from commendations (get mastercraft ones and put an aug in) so I would just take the armorings first, or you can get armorings as quest rewards from belsavis dailies...
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You know your resources (credits vs commendations) and current gear better than us.


Simple rule: replace your crappiest items first. The built-in UI does a good job of summing the difference in stats. Go for the biggest gains you can afford first, then save up for the rest.

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