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My thoughts on Marauder.


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First I love my Mara but would like to see some changes and this is all just my humble opinion.


The name:


Marauder: is a bandit, outlaw, raider or such like who moves about in roving fashion looking for plunder.


The name just doesn't fit, lacks coolness factor and a force wielding bandit? LAMO!!


Vanguard: The troops moving at the head of an army the forefront of an action or movement.


Sith Vanguard has some KA POW to it and also makes more sense as the class is always running in and around the forefront of battle BLAMO!!


Talent Trees:


Why do we have 3 single target DPS trees? This does not make much sense to me. We should have....


Single Target Tree

AOE Tree

PVP Tree

Single Saber Tree

Maybe a utility tree?


Or something to these effects.


3 single target DPS trees generally means that one will come out on top and make the others somewhat useless. It's even possible for one tree to dominate in PVP and PVE just making everything else obsolete.


Medium armor:


I hear lots of people complaining about Medium armor and just want to use Heavy. I li ke medium and think we should just stick to it but maybe they could itemize a little better.


A review of our skills I just feel we have to many that do to little I could just list them but I won't. The complaints that we get about our class being hard I think stem from people just face rolling on the keyboard. I don't think it's L2P matter as other classes you can just stand around or stealth which just makes it easier.

Edited by Lokril
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I do agree with much of what was said our talents to need a little work as well our rotation. By this i mean, for all our specs the opener is the same, charge (usually, except for some pvp scenarios), battering assault, then whatever you specced in. But battering assault is a boring must for every rotation, gets old and I find myself using it even when full on rage from the last fight, mainly because I am SO used to using it at the beginning of EVERY fight.
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