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What is the set name for pve I need?


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I know the stats I need for a gunnery tree commando but can't seem to find any sets on torhead or darthhater that are granting set bonus I need specifically. Looking for a set with aim crit accuracy and surge with correct set bonus. At work so any links would be much easier to get to then surfing the web or this site. Thanks for any help guys.
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Look at the different sets available, and pick the one where the set bonus's are for skills you have.


Some of the gear has stats you may like more, but the set bonus's are not for the spec you have.


I made the mistake of just looking at the stats first, and realized later the set bonus's did not do anything for me.

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We want eliminator's gear, whether it be Rakata, Columni, or Tionese. 2 pieces grats a 15% crit chance increase to grav round and charged bolts and 4 pieces makes HiB free.



Now I will say that I don't much like columni stats wise because its got all power on all pieces which I admit I just don't like since I'd like to maintain a 35% crit rate. However if you're willing to spend the credits and no one else needs you can get the enhancements you want if you get the tokens for the gear, then just pull out the enhancements. For example the Smuggler Head enhancement was better than the (I think) Columni legs enhancement so I paid the 27k to pull it out.


If you get a trooper token for gearslots you already have you can look into taking out both the enhancements AND the mods from other trooper gear (I think the "tech" set has crit rate and surge on it). Now yes its the next best thing to 56k to actually pull out two modifications of columni level, but considering solo dailies give something like 200k a day, money should be much less of an issue. You'd pay more than 28k a piece if those mods were available on the GTN.



The Rakata gear is much closer to an ideal in my opinion, not only from a stats perspective but from a stats balancing perspective since its not ALL just surge and power but there's several pieces with accuracy and crit rate on it as well.


The REAL issue is how absolutely FUGLY the columni helmet is. Had to go back to hiding head slot. >=(

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