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Focus (I use this pve and pvp)


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I see a lot of watchman builds and combat builds so figured I would share my focus build. I run this in PVP and PVE and it seem to do awesome for me. I think a key factor for ANY PvP build as a Sent is going to be the fact that you should always be around other players. One on one I don't have many problems but it's always nice to have back up.


So here is my Focus Build (I like focus because because I still haven't got the watchman rotations down, watchman requires a lot of concentration on your rotation I think).


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501oZhZGMRrzrRkGk.1 (Lvl 44)


at 50 ill have this build




This build I focus on using force sweep as much as possible. My rotation is normally as follows.


Force Leap (although is possible I save force leap for when the enemy snares me or roots me and then runs away), Zealous Strike, Force exhaustion, cauterize, force sweep (if I didn't leap in I will use zealous leap and then force sweep), Blase Storm, Pacify, Master Strike (if it looks like they are not running from you, works well on melee fighters), by this time Force exhaustion should be up again so i use it, zealous strike, zealous leap, force sweep, blade storm.


Most of my abilities I use situationally like crippling throw if healers are around, leg slash if I think they will be running in and out of melee range, awe if there is a large group of enemy around. I like to save force leap like I said earlier for when I get snared or rooted. Also KICK KICK KICK any healing abilities or channeled abilities (you kinda need to know whats worth interrupting and whats not, so getting to know the classes is important). If my kick is on cool down and I need to interrupt something I use force stasis. The way i play this build is kind of hard to write in a rotation for but this is the jist of it. Oh also, if I I am waiting for cool downs to pop I use slash if I'm high on focus, or slash to build extra focus. It sucks when you have to use a slash because you ran out of focus.


Defensive cool downs:

I pop rebuke as much as possible, and saber ward when I'm under 75%, I will also use transcendence when I have the centering. Last but not least guarded by the force I will use under 15%, no point in using it any higher as it cuts your hp in half but the defense buff is worth it at this point.


I do like to use force stasis if they just broke out of a snare or root when I have friendlies around or if force exhaustion isn't up yet and I'm trying to burst. For example when I play with a guildy (scoundrel), if I do leap in and they break the root and I use force stasis because Scoundrels can burst like a mo fo in the beginning. Or if we are bursting down a single target because most likely their CC break is on cool down.


In a pve environment I will force leap in to start all the time, not much need to save it and by the time a target is down I can force leap to another target and start all over.


Iv Pvp even when playing with HIGH DPS classes I can usually top dps charts (top3-5). I don't die much because I know when to use force camo and **** out.


Well that's all I have to say, also I know this probably isn't optimal but oh well it's how I play and like I said it does great for me. I just wanted to give some insite into a focus build that works for me. I crit for 3.5k+ with force sweep, my blade storm crits sometimes 2k+. My force attack crit a lot so I don't really need to worry about crit stacking with this build. In Pvp I get 4 commendations at min just from KB's, 3.5k hit, solo kills, and the such. Honestly I hardly ever get under 6 commendations, with the exception of hutt ball, in hutt ball I play to score not to kill.

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Yeah I like being able to see large numbers pop, makes me feel more powerful haha. But Sweep only has a 5m range, so I have kind of trained myself to know what is cc'd in relation to my position. I will be trying out the watchman spec, and combat spec later on, but for now I am having fun with the Focus build.
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Bad build? If you can explain to me why you think my build is bad then maybe I'll consider it. The way I play I barely ever have to even use slash and when I get dispatch it's also a skill you won't have many chances to use so those 3 points to refund focus are worthless to me. And extra 3% dmg reduction vs 36% offhand dmg extra, id take the offhand dmg, both numbers are low anyways so id rather put out more dmg. The only thing I am going to change is getting the healing from resolute. I don't care about the extra movement from zealous leap, its only 5 seconds and I don't use zealous as a gap closer because I normally save leap for that. I'd rather have the extra centering after transcendence runs out in fps and pve I can keep that up for long periods of time.
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im getting some good results with this build in pvp and pve. chaining transcendence is amazing and its a group buff, great for all warzones and running an instance. riposte shortening the cooldown on rebuke is super fun. you dont need the off hand damage increase and when my two shots of force sweep have been spent im spamming slash. Edited by reganomics
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