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Duel wielding question


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To start, I'm in love with my marauder, swinging 2 sabers/blades is fantastic. When I use an attack and look at the numbers, I only ever see one attack, not two, even though the tooltips say 'attacks with both weapons if duel wielding'. now my question is, where's the 2nd attack? is it tallied up with the first to only show up as one number or what? Also, the off hand damage and accuracy both seem severely low. Perhaps this belongs in the general forums, but a marauder is the only duel wielder I play so it's the only source I'm able to go on.
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I'm not sure about everyone else, but my swings both throw a damage number. Either that or those are Ataru procs. I'm not sure about the percentage breakdown, but dual wielding in EQ and WoW set the offhand at 50% damage and accuracy by default with talents (in WoW) to increase that damage. I assumed the same was true here, but I read a post a while back stating offhand base damage and accuracy are like 25% or 36%.
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Cool, thanks for the feedback, I've taken off my offhand weapon and didn't notice a huge loss of dps, which was strange. I know sith warriors in general are known as one of the weakest classes, so it should make sense to boost some damage output, at least in the off hand. Still, I enjoy being a sith warrior.
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