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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

UNOFFICAL welcome , and waiting for invite thread


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I'm going to bed in a few minutes. I work graveyard shifts and I should have been in bed a few hours ago. I never expected to get in on the first day but I stayed up to see public reaction to it.

Frankly, I'm more disappointed in the reaction. People seem to be forgetting that no matter what this is a game. A game is for having fun, not whining over. So what if you weren't first in a wave that is 2 days earlier than it was supposed to be?

Take a bit, give F5 a rest, breathe, check out some star wars rule 34, play another game (TFU2 is on sale on steam for 5 bucks, or play Jedi Academy or Battlefront 2). You'll get in. Have some patience.

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I keep hitting refresh on my inbox, and hoping. It's funny, a couple of weeks, ago people were complaining about the possibility of not being able to get in on the 15th and how the ad was misleading and false advertising. Now I see post after post about not getting in on the 13th. Wow.


Different people complaining.


The people complaining about 'false advertising' were people who either hadn't pre-ordered, or who had pre-ordered late, or forgot to enter their pre-order code on the site and found out they probably weren't going to get 5 days.


The people angry now are people who pre-ordered early and A.) haven't got in B.) have no feedback on when they're going to get in.


(BTW Mr. Reid, NOT giving any info is fueling plenty of rage as it is.)

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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#1: This is a game. It's not the end of the world if someone gets in earlier than you.


#2: Pay attention to the wording: may get up to 5 (7) days. This is legal wording so that you cannot get upset if you do not get the full 5 (7) days. You are not guarenteed to get the full 5 (7) days and never were. You were guarenteed to get early access, but that could just mean you get to play Monday and that's it. May does not mean will.


#3: Official launch is the 20th. It's been that way for a while. Early access is a privilege, not a right. You are being allowed access to the game before it comes out. You should be grateful.


#4: Originally, early access was starting on the 15th. They moved it ahead and granted the possibility of more early access. This is a reason to be joyous, not even more sour.


#5: Stop acting like spoiled little brats. Wait your turn patiently like everyone else. Registering your code is like standing in line: don't get pissy because you waited to register your code and others did not. Trolling the threads just because we can't see you stomping your feet and crying is not neccessary and not needed or wanted.



All this being said, I've spent the last week anticipating not getting in until Thursday (despite registering my code in early August). That way, I can't really be let down if I don't get Tuesday or Wednesday.

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#1: This is a game. It's not the end of the world if someone gets in earlier than you.


#2: Pay attention to the wording: may get up to 5 (7) days. This is legal wording so that you cannot get upset if you do not get the full 5 (7) days. You are not guarenteed to get the full 5 (7) days and never were. You were guarenteed to get early access, but that could just mean you get to play Monday and that's it. May does not mean will.


#3: Official launch is the 20th. It's been that way for a while. Early access is a privilege, not a right. You are being allowed access to the game before it comes out. You should be grateful.


#4: Originally, early access was starting on the 15th. They moved it ahead and granted the possibility of more early access. This is a reason to be joyous, not even more sour.


#5: Stop acting like spoiled little brats. Wait your turn patiently like everyone else. Registering your code is like standing in line: don't get pissy because you waited to register your code and others did not. Trolling the threads just because we can't see you stomping your feet and crying is not neccessary and not needed or wanted.



All this being said, I've spent the last week anticipating not getting in until Thursday (despite registering my code in early August). That way, I can't really be let down if I don't get Tuesday or Wednesday.



Sounds about right to me.

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#2: Pay attention to the wording: may get up to 5 (7) days. This is legal wording so that you cannot get upset if you do not get the full 5 (7) days. You are not guarenteed to get the full 5 (7) days and never were. You were guarenteed to get early access, but that could just mean you get to play Monday and that's it. May does not mean will.

Actually it's so they can't be sued for false advertising over it, doesn't have any effect, legal or otherwise, on if we can be upset or not.


#3: Official launch is the 20th. It's been that way for a while. Early access is a privilege, not a right. You are being allowed access to the game before it comes out. You should be grateful.

When I'm allowed access maybe, right now I'm extremely upset about the lack of transparency in the process.


#4: Originally, early access was starting on the 15th. They moved it ahead and granted the possibility of more early access. This is a reason to be joyous, not even more sour.

Only once you've gotten in, once again.


#5: Stop acting like spoiled little brats. Wait your turn patiently like everyone else. Registering your code is like standing in line: don't get pissy because you waited to register your code and others did not. Trolling the threads just because we can't see you stomping your feet and crying is not neccessary and not needed or wanted.

I did *not* wait to register my code. I pre-ordered the instant I learned they were available and entered my code as soon as it arrived, just after midnight on the 23rd.


So yeah, I've got every reason to expect to get in pretty darn close to the front, the lack of any transparency as to when means I'm sorely sleep deprived from waking up at 6:45AM to check.


All this being said, I've spent the last week anticipating not getting in until Thursday (despite registering my code in early August). That way, I can't really be let down if I don't get Tuesday or Wednesday.


And I've been anticipating getting in on the first day since I heard about early access, since I got my code in at worst 49 hours after they went live.

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just my opinion but if i knew how long the line was it would make it easier not just a blanket you could get in anytime today till the 19th


I have to agree. I'm not upset that I didn't get in. I knew I wouldn't get in right away as I didn't redeem my code until the 28th of July. I'd just like to know a ball park guess as to when I MIGHT get in.

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I have to agree. I'm not upset that I didn't get in. I knew I wouldn't get in right away as I didn't redeem my code until the 28th of July. I'd just like to know a ball park guess as to when I MIGHT get in.


I'm upset I had to get up at 6:45am to find out I didn't get in, because they told us literally nothing. I won't really be upset about not getting unless I wake up tomorrow and still can't.

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@Yaretzi since you are July 28th I'm pretty sure you will get in sometime today. The should already have an idea how many they can let in today. I'm thinking they are waiting for some of the low levels to get of their home planets before they add more waves but I could be wrong.
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OMG I just got an email!!!


/waves hand


.....but it's not the email I'm looking for....


I've been doing that all day, every time MSN told me I had a new email.



My reactions so far have gone from :) to :( to :mad: to :confused: to :( to :eek: and then to sitting in a corner, crying to make myself feel better.

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Well im just sitting back and relaxing for the evening. Invited some friends round going to watch a few films and get drunk. Hopefully will get in tomorrow, in the mean time im enjoying reading all the nerdrage over not getting in 7 days before launch when we where told 5 hehe
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the lack of any transparency


We'll just have to agree to disagree about this, amicably I hope. I understand why you're upset, but try to think about how you'd manage a million and a half pre-orderers, by far the largest such group in MMO history. I often have to deal with peoples' expectations, and I know from experience that the worst thing to do is to over-promise. Better to manage expectations realistically. If Bioware gave any kind of "access windows," inevitably a significant number of people would be disappointed, and then justifiably furious, maybe even talking lawsuits for breach of contract. As is, a lot of us are anxious, but none of us has any legal claim that Bioware breached a promise.


Also, you said earlier you're only moderately concerned about reserving a name, which to me is a legitimate source of anxiety -- I want my names too. But if your name isn't your big concern, why so upset? You'll get to level 50 whether you start today or tomorrow.

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No clue. It depends entirely how stable the servers are.


I thought that was the idea of the weekend testing. To get a decent idea as to how much the servers can handle. Maybe they're not just looking at server population, but other factors as well. Such as how quickly people are finishing the start zones. With as much info as we've been getting, anything is possible.

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We'll just have to agree to disagree about this, amicably I hope. I understand why you're upset, but try to think about how you'd manage a million and a half pre-orderers, by far the largest such group in MMO history. I often have to deal with peoples' expectations, and I know from experience that the worst thing to do is to over-promise. Better to manage expectations realistically. If Bioware gave any kind of "access windows," inevitably a significant number of people would be disappointed, and then justifiably furious, maybe even talking lawsuits for breach of contract. As is, a lot of us are anxious, but none of us has any legal claim that Bioware breached a promise.


Also, you said earlier you're only moderately concerned about reserving a name, which to me is a legitimate source of anxiety -- I want my names too. But if your name isn't your big concern, why so upset? You'll get to level 50 whether you start today or tomorrow.


I understand why they don't want to promise anything, but there's a vast gulf between promising and providing nothing that they could use.


As it is, I've been sitting here for over four hours waiting to get in. I probably would've been awake for maybe an hour, hour and a half tops if I hadn't gotten up early to see if I could play, and couldn't get back to sleep.


So I'm probably gonna be too tired to stay awake before sundown, and only get at most a few hours of play in before then, because they couldn't be bothered to tell me I didn't have a hope of getting in this morning.



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