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UNOFFICAL welcome , and waiting for invite thread


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C'mon, if Bioware gave you "guidance", and then didn't abide by it, you'd be far more angry. They've given you no reason to have any particular "expectations". I registered my pre-order on July 23, and while I hope to get in today, I don't "expect" to.


If you'd been running this process, do you seriously think you'd have given people "ballpark estimates"? I wouldn't have, for precisely the reasons you cite -- to manage expectations.


Instead of relatively small groups of people angry because something went slightly wrong, they've got large groups of people angry and darn-near breaking the site trying to figure out if they can get in or not.


Even twitter has shown a few signs of being overloaded by the people trying to check the accounts in question.


Some people were going to be angry either way. This way, they're angry AND tired from getting up early.


And frankly, I *do* expect to get in the first day.


If they can't even get through the 22nd on the first day, it would suggest very bad things about how the overall launch is going to go.

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I'd expect they are doing waves so the first wave can level up a bit and get past the beginning before the second wave comes in and so on to even out load instead of a slam.

Remember, the last beta was done in waves. Some started on friday, I got in on the second wave on saturday then had to work so I only played a few hours.

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C'mon, if Bioware gave you "guidance", and then didn't abide by it, you'd be far more angry. They've given you no reason to have any particular "expectations". I registered my pre-order on July 23, and while I hope to get in today, I don't "expect" to.


If you'd been running this process, do you seriously think you'd have given people "ballpark estimates"? I wouldn't have, for precisely the reasons you cite -- to manage expectations.




All those complaining seem to have forgotten that they weren't supposed to getting in at all until 5 days before i.e. 15th Dec, so if any of you get in today and tomorrow you should be saying thanks and if you don't then remember you were not supposed to get in anyway.


And with regards to not telling you HarryS seems to have captured the very good reasoning for that.


Chill out.


Personally, I didn't redeem my code until beginning of December so if I get in by about the 16th I'll be happy. Then at least I can play over the weekend. I'm also in the EU so want an EU server...which are all down. I can wait a day or 2.

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I'd expect they are doing waves so the first wave can level up a bit and get past the beginning before the second wave comes in and so on to even out load instead of a slam.

Remember, the last beta was done in waves. Some started on friday, I got in on the second wave on saturday then had to work so I only played a few hours.


Kind of defeats the purpose of phasing the maps to hold about 300-400 people, now doesn't it?


The sole purpose, is because even with the stress tests, and the multi 90+ minute wait times to log in, they don't know if their servers will stand under pressure, or collapse. Plain and simple.


Has nothing to do with us playing, or getting a fair shot at quest mobs. It has to do with them not looking bad, if their servers all decided to take a crap on them and shut down on the most anticipated day of their years of work.

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All those complaining seem to have forgotten that they weren't supposed to getting in at all until 5 days before i.e. 15th Dec, so if any of you get in today and tomorrow you should be saying thanks and if you don't then remember you were not supposed to get in anyway.


And with regards to not telling you HarryS seems to have captured the very good reasoning for that.


Chill out.


Personally, I didn't redeem my code until beginning of December so if I get in by about the 16th I'll be happy. Then at least I can play over the weekend. I'm also in the EU so want an EU server...which are all down. I can wait a day or 2.


And when it was the 15th I still expected to get in on the first day.


I'm not gonna be thankful for having to sit and listen to my friends that preordered less than 36 hours before me getting to play while I sit here waiting for twitter updates.


I'm half-exhausted from getting up because I figured the first wave would be big enough that I'd get in, I'm going to lose a lot of gameplay today both from the waiting and from the sleep deprivation.


Yeah, Chilling out isn't happening till it lets me in.

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I'm thinking all of Jully will in withing the next 3-4 hours or so...the 21-22 were the biggest waves so I'm thinking up to at least mid August for today?


Depends on when they do the waves.


Their lack of scheduling or announcing means all we can do is guess, which is honestly the most frustrating part.


Probably hard on their web servers too.

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I've said the whole time that the pre-release was basically 5 days more of beta testing. When the time was expanded to 7 days it just became more obvious that were are simply doing a final stress test.


Due to some glitches I didn't register until July 28th.


Nonetheless, this still puts me in the top 200k range, which is probably around 8% of the launch day pop.


I expect to get in today but I don't know when. That's what sucks, we have received no guidance when they have tons of metrics from the beta weekends.


In any case, I will be happy to play when I get access but the uncertainty of the timing is not wonderful.

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Well I def know for sure (unnofficaially lol) that July should get in today..wouldnt make since for July not to finish at least today ...That would mean everyone else would get pushed further back...It looks like the servers are fine so I think up to Aug at least today
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It seems a lot of people that aren't wondering when they'll get in are the ones that pre-ordered late. Well It's to be expected you won't get in the first day so I'd hope you wouldn't have high expectations. But there are those people that pre-ordered the first day and would like to get in today. I don't see why the people that ordered much later are getting their panties in a bunch because someone that ordered farther in advance is upset with not knowing what's going on. Since BW and EA haven't said much of anything on this subject many people just assumed since they redeemed their code the first day they'll get in the first day, seems logical enough. Had they said something like "we're only shooting for allowing 200K people in to play the first day and there were far more pre-orders that day than we can allow ," most people wouldn't be as upset right now. But since they left us in the dark, more people are upset. If BW told me I wouldn't play til the 15th I'd be like "okay, thanks for letting me know, it sucks that I miss two days, but at least I know when to expect to get in." Then if for some unforeseen reason they had to tell me they couldn't allow me in as planned and I'd have to wait, fine. It sucks, but at least I know. I just hate not knowing.
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I keep hitting refresh on my inbox, and hoping. It's funny, a couple of weeks, ago people were complaining about the possibility of not being able to get in on the 15th and how the ad was misleading and false advertising. Now I see post after post about not getting in on the 13th. Wow.
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on my guilds server they are on there are 56 people in hutta atm/fof open the gates bioware this is getting lamer by the minute,also how many people are you going to let in today/when is the cut off time for staggering, waiting on your emil is worse then waiting in a q.
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