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Marauder Feedback Post 1.1 Patch


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So I have seen a lot of individuals posting either pics or videos of their Marauders owning Warzones recently. However, none of the pics/videos appear to have been from AFTER the release of Patch 1.1 and many of the pics were of Marauders who were part of pre-mades.


My reasoning is that pre 1.1, expertise geared 50s were roflstomping lowbies who, even with bolster, didn't have the expertise or the mitigation skills to handle what geared 50s could dish out. Now that its level 50 on level 50, I am wondering what people are experiencing.


Again, please keep the comments related to post 1.1 patch experiences, except where relevant.

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I still dominate the vast majority of warzones I enter. I'll post a video when I get time to upload one. Marauders are one of the best classes in the game in terms of PvP. We can pretty much take out any class 1 v 1 and if you try and focus us we have so many defensive abilities that I can easily take on 2 other players. I honestly doesn't see the issue people have with the class.


As far a dealing with ranged, we have a 12 sec snare without a cooldown, if you're getting kited you're doing something very wrong. And I still average about 8/9 medals a game.

Edited by Nmaharg
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I go into a same-level mission. I have on-level blue or higher gear, and I have an on-level companion with on-level gear.


I will die at least 4 times, at a repair cost of approx 1200 credits per death, for a total of 4800 minimum. I burn 5-6 1000 credit first aid kits, for a minimum total of 5000 credits. For running the whole mission, I make maybe 4000 credits. I am in the hole at least 5800 credits. I can't even afford to finish training at this point.


I am ridiculously frustrated because my marauder totally sucks. If I play my Inquisitor (sorceror) or my Bounty Hunter (powertech) everything is a cake walk. There is no question- the class is completely gimped.


I have a 40 powertech and find it much worse than a marauder. For the simple fact you have far less defensive cooldowns. Are you using all your cooldowns? Are you single targeting mobs instead of trying to aoe them down? Are you using a healing companion(Much better than a dps/tank while leveling)? Are you following the dps rotation properly?

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I am not sure how everyone is doing since they made it so medpacs don't count as the 2.5k heal and 5k there's 2 medals we can't get. Due to that I expect we are a down in medals if you have biochem. I also so alot of geared mars chasing the low levels around previously at least on my server I highly suspect they are not doing as well. Then if your on a bad bag streek. Lol.


Also I heard the annilation talent isn't working correctly I assume the stacks and c/d , which Stmp noted that dev is aware of. Really comes down who you queue with and gear lvl I think the most and of course ability to play the class :)

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I am not sure how everyone is doing since they made it so medpacs don't count as the 2.5k heal and 5k there's 2 medals we can't get. Due to that I expect we are a down in medals if you have biochem. I also so alot of geared mars chasing the low levels around previously at least on my server I highly suspect they are not doing as well. Then if your on a bad bag streek. Lol.


Also I heard the annilation talent isn't working correctly I assume the stacks and c/d , which Stmp noted that dev is aware of. Really comes down who you queue with and gear lvl I think the most and of course ability to play the class :)


There is still a way to get your 2.5k and 5k heal. Just saying.

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