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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I had an epic fail moment.


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People seem to forget the what goes for laws IRL doesn't apply to what you do inside an MMORPG. If you kill someone in SWTOR you should get charged with murder, following OP's logic.


I think one of the issues with some people is they can not distinguish between the two.

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wow, you'd think that having OP's mistake corrected would somehow be taken out of your wages.


OP, good luck with having your oversight corrected, more power to you if you manage it.


It is not coming from anyone's wages. It is taking time from a CSR to handle more important legit issues.

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I finished a pvp and earned enough commendations to buy a Champions bag. In the Champion Bag I received "Champion Frontline Force" . I saw this really good Saber and I thought myself, "Let me pick it". I went to equip it and the Saber is an offhand saber. What an epic fail. It's completely useless to me know. Next time I'm going to read the item before getting overly excited and choosing it without reading the description.


#1 best troll post i have seen in a LONG TIME...




I didn't bother reading others replies, but i'm sure someones said it already..


But, anyways, You get a OFF-HAND or a MAIN-HAND piece.. not one that can choose either, so therefor, you sir, are the best troll i have seen in a lonnnng time derp derp.

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The OP pays a monthly subscription fee just like the rest of us, he's within his rights to ask CS to help him correct his mistake whether you like it or not. CS will answer the ticket by order of importance, meaning his gets taken care of after the stuck player, etc.


I'm sure he's learned from his mistake and will probably pay better attention next time.


Good luck OP, I hope it all works out.

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I finished a pvp and earned enough commendations to buy a Champions bag. In the Champion Bag I received "Champion Frontline Force" . I saw this really good Saber and I thought myself, "Let me pick it". I went to equip it and the Saber is an offhand saber. What an epic fail. It's completely useless to me know. Next time I'm going to read the item before getting overly excited and choosing it without reading the description.


#1 best troll post i have seen in a LONG TIME...




I didn't bother reading others replies, but i'm sure someones said it already..


But, anyways, You get a OFF-HAND or a MAIN-HAND piece.. not one that can choose either, so therefor, you sir, are the best troll i have seen in a lonnnng time derp derp.

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