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I had an epic fail moment.


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I finished a pvp and earned enough commendations to buy a Champions bag. In the Champion Bag I received "Champion Frontline Force" . I saw this really good Saber and I thought myself, "Let me pick it". I went to equip it and the Saber is an offhand saber. What an epic fail. It's completely useless to me know. Next time I'm going to read the item before getting overly excited and choosing it without reading the description.
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I've mistakenly bought an offhand as well... I was wondering why no comparison to my current saber was showing up but I placed it as a bug. The thumbnail looked cool so I got it to check it out. It's times like that I wish they had a commendation refund, but oh well. I got 5k credits for it.
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Why waste customer service's time with your mistake? I too have mistakenly purchased items I can not use. I chalk it up to my fault.


If they can change it, why not? That's customer service gets paid for.

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If they can change it, why not? That's customer service gets paid for.


They get paid to handle customer inquiries yes. Common sense says, own up to your mistake and not expect others to fix that for you. They are there to handle genuine issues such as billing problems, harassment and bugs such as being stuck and can not /stuck out or quick travel out.


All of the above much more important then you not paying attention.

Edited by Muanthuun
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They get paid to handle customer inquiries yes. Common sense says, own up to your mistake and not expect others to fix that for you. They are there to handle genuine issues such as billing problems, harassment and bugs such as being stuck and can not /stuck out or quick travel out.


All of the above much more important then you not paying attention.


Exactly, they get paid for it. If they can reverse it, why not? Yes it's my mistake but if they can fix it, why can't I try.

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Exactly, they get paid for it. If they can reverse it, why not? Yes it's my mistake but if they can fix it, why can't I try.


Not saying you can not, but you are using resources for a issue you created and can ultimately fix by getting the proper currency again and purchasing the correct item.

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If you actually get in contact with someone (good luck with that) there is no reason whatsoever you should not get your mistake sorted.


Gratz on the mainhand though, i have completed all endgame content on hard and im rank 55 in pvp, in the many many bags i have opened there has never been a main hand.

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Exactly, they get paid for it. If they can reverse it, why not? Yes it's my mistake but if they can fix it, why can't I try.


also at any other place if you buy the wrong item or a defective one you can exchange it ro return it. so why can;t you do it here to?

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also at any other place if you buy the wrong item or a defective one you can exchange it ro return it. so why can;t you do it here to?


In a retail environment that is their intended purpose. Retail does not have to deal with bugs (non organic) people being stuck and not able to move and harassment claims. They deal with returns (buyer mistake or not), fraudulent checks and complaints.

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What they need to have is a confirmation for purchasing items with commendations/tokens, everyone makes a mistake now and then and it stinks when it happens on purchasing an item you spent a lot of time on to acquire.




Thankfully I have not yet wasted a Champion bag like this, but I can't tell you the number of times I have wasted planetary Commendations on gear that I don't need, can't use, already have, etc. etc... install a mother-*********** confirm button.

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I got overly excited.


Did you wet yourself? :p


I think we all have done this sort of thing from time to time. Some people blame (not saying you are) it on the game, when in reality they just got excited and made a decision wtihout careful deliberation. We must resist the urge to stick our hands into a dark hole if we don't know exactly what is in there. :)

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In a retail environment that is their intended purpose. Retail does not have to deal with bugs (non organic) people being stuck and not able to move and harassment claims. They deal with returns (buyer mistake or not), fraudulent checks and complaints.


that is beside the point, there job is CUSTOMER SERVICE, which implies helping the CUSTOMER and satisfying the customer. a bug is still a defective product just like a broken toy or wrench is a defective product. and my wife works retial CS and they do have to deal with harrassment as well such as disruptive customers and angry customers. if anything Retail CS is harder, cause you have to deal with angry, unreasonalbe illogical people in person.

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also at any other place if you buy the wrong item or a defective one you can exchange it ro return it. so why can;t you do it here to?


Because there should be consequences to your decisions, especially in an MMO, where what you are complaining about is a virtual item NOT A REAL ITEM YOU PAID REAL MONEY FOR.



But let's follow your logic for a moment.......


OK, so they can exchange an off-hand item you cannot use with another off-hand item you cannot use. Oh, wait.....it's not defective, your judgement is.


Suck it up cupcake and move along. Learn from your mistakes. :)

Edited by Andryah
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What they need to have is a confirmation for purchasing items with commendations/tokens, everyone makes a mistake now and then and it stinks when it happens on purchasing an item you spent a lot of time on to acquire.


Then people would complain that they always have to confirm a purchase and that Bioware is harrassing them with popups.


This sort of popup though would have to say "UM, you do know you cannot actually use this item right?????" Even then, people will purchase it and then whine about it.

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that is beside the point, there job is CUSTOMER SERVICE, which implies helping the CUSTOMER and satisfying the customer. a bug is still a defective product just like a broken toy or wrench is a defective product. and my wife works retial CS and they do have to deal with harrassment as well such as disruptive customers and angry customers. if anything Retail CS is harder, cause you have to deal with angry, unreasonalbe illogical people in person.



Essentially anyone expecting the mistake the OP made to be fixed is unreasonable and illogical. This is his mistake why should he not pay the piper and learn from it?

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Essentially anyone expecting the mistake the OP made to be fixed is unreasonable and illogical. This is his mistake why should he not pay the piper and learn from it?


People seem to forget the what goes for laws IRL doesn't apply to what you do inside an MMORPG. If you kill someone in SWTOR you should get charged with murder, following OP's logic.

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Because there should be consequences to your decisions, especially in an MMO, where what you are complaining about is a virtual item NOT A REAL ITEM YOU PAID REAL MONEY FOR.



But let's follow your logic for a moment.......


OK, so they can exchange an off-hand item you cannot use with another off-hand item you cannot use. Oh, wait.....it's not defective, your judgement is.


Suck it up cupcake and move along. Learn from your mistakes. :)


why does it matter if the item is real or virtual? i still worked for the crediits and spent my time on it not bioware and i have bought items by mistake and sucked it up so i dunno what your point is. and i didn't say exchange it for an off hand item but an item you can use so you argument was flawed to begin with. and you dont have to be rude to make a point cause then you just make yourself look less intelligent. plus i looks like your here to bash people and make people fell and look stupid not help or offer constructive critisim. and last i checked i spent 60 bucks on the game and pay a montly subscription so shouldn't i get something for it? CS is here to hlep me and everybody else with any problem I or they have not the other way around.

Edited by Glaton
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