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Best summary of SWTOR I have read so far (SWTOR is fun)


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I wanted to give a little write up on my impressions of SWTOR but I found someone had already done it better that I could. This is from Scott Jennings, an MMO developer/blogger with a different company (NC Soft) who has worked on Dark Age of Camelot and other MMOs:


"Yes, the developers and inside baseball commenters will be debating throughout 2012 whether EA has literally moved the barrier of entry into MMO development into the level of small countries’ gross national product with the sheer thunderclap scale of investment that SWTOR represented. But let’s not let that detract from what SWTOR accomplished: storytelling in an MMO that works as the center point of the game. Also, lightsabers. SWTOR is fun. SWTOR is incredible amounts of fun, while redefining what an MMO is. Is it really an MMO when a game essentially is a Star Wars game that millions of people are playing at the same time? Who cares… it’s fun. Games are supposed to be fun, and SWTOR gets that – a point too many MMO developers have forgotten."


We can debate PvP balance and all kinds of stuff for months - but man, this game is fun :)



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At this point the game has tons of bugs and much wrong with it. We should coin the phrase "Death by ability delay".


But in the end it is a fun fun game with huge potential. I think that is what is keeping a lot of (frustrated) people still playing.

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I agree with Mash and Jennings...it is a fun fun game.


No other MMO has had me wanting to quest quite like SWTOR...I literally despise some of the NPC's in my class story and want to harm them/seek justice...the story motivates my desire to play and I have found lots of immersion and enjoyment thus far.


However, (and this is advice from my wife btw) if what you are doing in a game that is meant to be fun is frustrating, due to bugs or mechanics or even the folks you group with then don't play that game or choose another aspect of the game to play in.


Most of us have limited play time...use it to do what is fun for you even if that means playing something else.


Just my 2 credits

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I've played WoW for 7 years (and don't have any plans on quitting) and one thing I struggle with is besides raiding with friends the game itself just isn't fun anymore. I've only played SWTOR for a few days but I've enjoyed every minute of it and it will be worth the money I spent no matter what happens in the future.

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I've played WoW for 7 years (and don't have any plans on quitting) and one thing I struggle with is besides raiding with friends the game itself just isn't fun anymore. I've only played SWTOR for a few days but I've enjoyed every minute of it and it will be worth the money I spent no matter what happens in the future.


I don't know why you would keep playing if it's not fun anymore. I also played since release and quit about 6 months ago. Best thing I ever did.

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I don't know why you would keep playing if it's not fun anymore. I also played since release and quit about 6 months ago. Best thing I ever did.


The majority of my guild in WoW played it for a long while and found no fun in the game. I think it is common on some scale within that game...

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