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Op/scoundrel nerf not happening. (the way they purposed it to)


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What a load of crap. I run around with my friend who's a scoundrel all the time, yes he can do a good chunk of damage in the knock down, but it's nowhere near their full health bar. The only reason he kills them fast at all is because I'm helping. Once he gets past the knock down/opener damage, his sustained damage is AWFUL. So now you want to nerf the only real damage they have?


Knee jerk reactions like this to balance are pretty ridiculous.


Your friend is bad then.

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i couldn't have made it shorter :( ..possibly read that part with the youtube video i watched ..where 100%-0% only happens to lvl 10's with buff stacking. all those problems are gone now ...thanks


Yeah because we all know that 'ONE' video you watched you cite here is proof positive. Heh...you are a facepalm moment to me my friend.

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I appreciate seeing that people are using that quick video I made to prove the point I've been TRYING to make to people since 1.1


Don't whine about operatives doing 7k+ crits, They don't, not anymore.




Further info on the video: I'm in -almost- a full pvp set, everything but the Gun, Chest, and Boots. 403 Expertise AND in order to get that 5.2 crit on a NAKED jugg, I had to pop my Relic, something that I actually -rarely- do in Warzones to be honest.


Bioware -will- break operative with these nerfs. Can't wait till the nerf Sorc/BH/Maurauder/Sniper damage to round it out with Operatives, then who will be the one's having to defend themselves by battling naked people. What goes around comes around, and now everyone knows - "The Most QQ wins"


Have fun with your incoming nerf BH and Sorc, that is, if Bioware actually BALANCES their game instead of balancing it based on their class populations.



I can already tell you played a fearLock in wow didn't you?

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