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Why not look back on SWG and learn :)


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Gathering the materials was definately overcomplicated, I spent a long time gathering materials just to allow me to level up on my trader, going all the way to level 90 I probably would have died of boredom.


My droid engineer took all of about 3 days and maybe 5m credits to get 90


Levelling a trader was not hard at all. Gathering materials yourself just increased the time taken.

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And that's exactly what they did.



We'll have to see.


Personally I think if they want to maintain subs and have SWTOR still running in 10 years (like SWG) then they are going to have to make SWTOR:



  1. Less static
  2. Less structured and shackled



Both things can only make it more like SWG (and in fairness many other MMORPGs).

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It wasn't even close to over complicated, It just took someone who was not to lazy to gather the materials needed. I myself thought the crafting in SWG was amazing and gave people something to do that had meaning.

Crafting in SWG was actually high quality items if done properly, not this cookie cutter crap we get in modern mmos.


And there it is...you thought.


I played for 8 years and couldnt stomach working a 2nd job in a video game world. I wanted adventure and thrills not micro manegment and mathmatics....i do that for a living. I suppose if i were an adventuring nomadic martial arts master / combat medic fighting an evil empire throughout a galaxy i might just unwind by "working" in a video game.


That doesnt make me lazy or stupid, it doesnt make me anything but of a diffrent opinion than you.

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Almost everything about SWG was terrible.


One or two character slots per server meant that the people who could afford multiple accounts dominated the economy with their own personal army of crafters and harvesters.


Don't kid yourselves, it was a mess. Anyone who played SWG saw it happen. FIELDS of personal harvestors all with the same customized text over them. l33t h4xorz armor corp. Where there wasn't an armada of mineral extractors it was a sprawling city with several buildings from every noob who ever played just sitting there, preventing spawns and lagging the server.


AFK leveling and grinding mobs with combat macros. An economy broken beyond belief from epic scale credit farming and cutthroat economics by the crafters. Suits of modded armor costing 30-60 million credits. People with multiple accounts and credit capped toons driving the price up on everything.


It sucked, hard.

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I think it all went like this: Bio/EA want to make a MMO using the "safe" recipe. You know what that is.

After the launch, they realize that things had to be different, that their game had a lot more potential and that they can pull it off. So it is my opinion that they will most likely look away from the safe recipe for once and analyze games like SWG.

I believe that from this patch onward, we are going to see more interesting stuff.

Edited by cyberfreaq
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SWG has some good points:


- Houses were nice.

- Good space combat.

- Open world planets.

- Better chat system.

- More customizable options (in reference to armor)


SWTOR is better and should not - SHOULD NOT - do what SOE did. Ever. But you can still take the good and make it better. SWTOR has boring space combat that is purely reliant on gear and has nothing to do with skill. SWG had awesome space combat. They could even make it better by crippling ships and boarding them in order to combine space and ground combat.


Make NEW planets for the houses, don't change current planets, make space open-world and explorable.

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This is not a sequel to SWG.


This is not a sequel to SWG.


This is not a sequel to SWG.


This is a whole new game. No elements from SWG were adapted to this, because this game has new developers and a new focus. It doesn't look the same, it doesn't play the same, and it never will, because it is not SWG2.


People really need to understand that. And what's more, people need to understand that both pre-CU and post-CU SWG were terrible games. Terrible, terrible, terrible.


For well over a year I hammered my way through 8 classes and built up a collection of creatures .



So you spent a year on a terrible game? Pretty sick. Won't happen to me with TOR. Played SWG over three years until shutdown thanks to LA/SOE/BioTOR

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No elements from SWG were adapted to this, because this game has new developers and a new focus. It doesn't look the same, it doesn't play the same, and it never will, because it is not SWG2.



You're right its not SWG2, its WoW 2..

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