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Marauder is fun, yet very frustrating.


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Hey all. I started playing a Marauder lately, got up to 29ish and I'm currently in love with the Annihilation tree.



As much as I love playing this class, I also can't stress enough how frustrating it is at times. I know that combat delay is common in SWTOR across all classes, but it's especially painful playing my Marauder.


It seems like the following skills: "Disruption", "Retaliation", "Cloak of Pain", "Saber Ward", "Berserk", "Predation", and "Deadly Saber" simply do not trigger when I try to use them most of the time. I notice that they share one thing in common, and that is that they all ignore the GCD (or they are supposed to ignore it, anyway).


What they also share in common for me is that most of them are skills that I trigger by using my mouse buttons (I usually hotkey important and timing-sensitive skills like interrupts to mouse buttons) so I tried connecting my mouse to a USB hub that is not used by any other peripherals, which sometimes may cause unreponsiveness for KBs and mice, but nothing has changed.




Anyone else having the same problems? Especially with the skills I mentioned?

Edited by Faims
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From what I've heard ability delay - and, more specifically, things like defensive cooldowns not going off when pressed - are more/less fixed on the PTS currently.


That might explain why I've been doing better. I thought it was the new Champion gear implants I got. Probably both! Yay.

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