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Suggestions: Stances and Importing.


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Make the different Forms for JK and SW change the way the lightsabers are held. It would be much easier to tell what spec someone is instead of browsing through their buffs. Sounds useless but just thought I would suggest it.


Also add a import option for keybinds, and other things so you can import a set up from your main instead of redoing everything every time you make a new character. Its gonna be even more useful since UI customization is coming! :)

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I definitely agree with the import keybindings part. I make a new character from time to time and it's comical trying to learn to walk again, because my key bindings are all messed up. I start hitting keys expecting them to do different things lol.


Interestingly, and on a slightly related note to your first point, all of the jedi classes hold their lightsabers differently. They all have their own unique stance, though I believe the Shadow and Assassin hold theirs the same, as do Sentinel and Marauder.

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I definitely agree with the import keybindings part. I make a new character from time to time and it's comical trying to learn to walk again, because my key bindings are all messed up. I start hitting keys expecting them to do different things lol.


Interestingly, and on a slightly related note to your first point, all of the jedi classes hold their lightsabers differently. They all have their own unique stance, though I believe the Shadow and Assassin hold theirs the same, as do Sentinel and Marauder.


Yeah, But I mean by their Forms, like Shii-cho, and Soresu. Like perhaps holding a lightsaber in reverse grip, and so on and so forth.

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