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Marauder Annhi PvP Spec - Is this good, what's best?


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That's my prospective build, but I'm not 100% sure on how abilities work in PvP. I'm definitely PvP oriented, but want to clarify a few things.


1 : Does Cloak of Annihilation serve good purpose in PvP? It seems like one of the best talents, but I've seen other specs that don't take it. I've also seen specs take Quick Recovery, which seems awful in PvP.


2 : Bleedout/Hemorrhage increase bleed damage, which is core, but I think other talents are MORE helpful. Should I find room for them?


3 : Does the Tier 1 Rage talent "Malice" have an effect on your bleed effects chance to hit? It just says "Force", does that only mean direct force damage? (Force Shout?). If that is how it works, obviously those 3 points are il-spent. Where should they go?


Thanks for the help!


As of now the build is known as the Galaxy build, after NGC 3227, a galaxy. :D

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edit: wont let me link a build damn, dunno why



1- I do not think that cloak of Anni is a must for pvp,but it can be of help I dunno...surely I do think that Quick recovery isnt bad as you say in an ANNI pvp spec, it's nice to have a moderate dmging ability "almost for free", to use it as a filler.


2- Bleedout is must have as anni spec (even if it's buggy , and doesnt work like the tooltip says). Emo may be taken or not in my opinion, depends on what you want to spend those skill points on, if maximizing dmg or get more utility talents.



3- Malice should work on Deadly saber, but not on Rupture. As if I recall well the first is listed as FORCE attack , while the second is listed as MELEE.

Edited by atreyuz
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Hmmm, this is almost the opposite of what I expected to hear.


Cloak of Pain seems like one of, if not THE best Marauder skill available, especially since total damage mitigation is so lacking for ALL classes endgame. 20% mitigation with only 30 second gaps is great, but 20% mitigation with potentially 0 second gaps is amazing.


I don't see how Cloak of Anni. isn't an absolute must.


Also, I TOTALLY do not get why you'd want Quick Recovery. The last thing it seems like Marauders need is "filler" with all of the button mashing already, and it's 2 skills that are on the weak end of the spectrum unless you're hitting 3+ people, and Marauders aren't really an AoE class.


I can see Bleed Out being great, I just don't know where to move points around to pick it up.


With Deadly Saber being one of the best skills, if Malice increases bleed crits from it, I'd be more than happy to spend the points.


I'd like to hear input from a few more ~50 Marauders, hopefully!

Edited by Jikuim
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Hmmm, this is almost the opposite of what I expected to hear.


Cloak of Pain seems like one of, if not THE best Marauder skill available, especially since total damage mitigation is so lacking for ALL classes endgame. 20% mitigation with only 30 second gaps is great, but 20% mitigation with potentially 0 second gaps is amazing.


I don't see how Cloak of Anni. isn't an absolute must.


Also, I TOTALLY do not get why you'd want Quick Recovery. The last thing it seems like Marauders need is "filler" with all of the button mashing already, and it's 2 skills that are on the weak end of the spectrum unless you're hitting 3+ people, and Marauders aren't really an AoE class.


I can see Bleed Out being great, I just don't know where to move points around to pick it up.


With Deadly Saber being one of the best skills, if Malice increases bleed crits from it, I'd be more than happy to spend the points.


I'd like to hear input from a few more ~50 Marauders, hopefully!


The problem with CoA is that that it require you to use retaliation for any effect. Which is all well and good, but that essentially means you need to keep a rage "float" of 3 or more rage. While this isn't especially hard to do, it can really throw off your rotation and can minimize what you can do. Anni is capable of SOME burst with annihilator buffs up, and I just don't find retaliation work its way into my rotation. I have other things I'd much rather spend rage on, or instead need to be building rage.


Which leads me to quick recovery. Marauders are over and above all other classes when it comes to "I have an ability for X situation... if it ever happens, yippee!" That being said, I've had plenty of occasions in PvP (swamping my HB carrier, crowding the turret controls or doors) when I had 5 or more players in front of me. I also need to apply my dots, and hell, may as well try and get some dmg into the other players, so DS>SS>SS>SS>. I've racked up a LOT of damage from spamming sweeping slash. And at the low low cost of 1 rage? I personally find it totally worth it, but yes, it is of lower priority. We may not be an AoE class, but hey, we work with the tools we are given.


Bleedout and hemmorage are MUSTS! And lastly, yes, all DS ticks are force attacks. Malice is awesome!

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Subjugate is not 'really' worth it:


We have base 8s cd so against healers, which will always do the same: Big heal, healing channel you won't be able to kick the second heal either way.


Against tracer missile:

Tracer missile kicked +4s cd makes it effectively 4-5 seconds before the next is in your face and the delay given a 6s interrupt won't let you interrupt it back to back, but it would help if you had no other means to interrupt at all, but you have those extra means.


Obfuscate only works against assassins voltaic slash/backstab/execute and marauders + jugg so I don't really need a shorter cd on that one.


Why I would now put points into rupture slow? Because all my gcd's I have in melee range are extremely valuable to a degree, that I don't have the spare gcd to take my time and slow them instead of applying strong damage. It won't change much in the outcome for most critical fights anyway e.g. against sorcs which will still give you a serious kiting job. 30% slow is not 50% but it shall suffice my needs and it is essentially for free for something I would do anyway.


Cloak of Annihilation - I just don't have the rage for such a low dps skill. Only upside is, that it cannot be parried, but well there arne't many that actually can parry a full champions vicious slash and if you attack a e.g. juggernaut then the parry is the least of your concerns, just compare vicious slash costs 2 and deals more damage and I don't need to keep an extra eye on it.


Predation 30% extra can make it or break it in some cases for you where you try to score as an example and don't let the tooltip fool you - 30% extra is for you and your party.


While 6% bleeding dmg seems like a lot it actually isn't anyway. At the end of most fights your direct damage will have delivered more dmg then the dots anyway. Not that the dots are bad or anything, but just not worth it.


Defensive Roll/Forms, just kickass no way around it. Extra 4% against elemental and internal is huge + 2 fury for every damn miniattack coming in every 1.5s is awesome.

30% dmg reduction against stuff like deathfield, death from above and other neat stuff is huge by itself after all an annihilator marauder needs to optimize its defenses so the heal over time via dots kicks in.


If you have the ball keep running away get a battering off here and there and sweeping slash the rest you will have like perma predation.


However putting away malice for e.g. 1s longer root or shorter cd on choke is viable aswell, but I tried to build upon my survivability and even if it just affects deadly saber it still means that per tick I am 6% more likely to heal my *** for a nice amount again.

Edited by Pappus
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That is my current Annihilation build. It is heavily built around Rage generation and mobility. I use Force Charge practically when it's off cd every time or save it as an extra interrupt. The Ferocity talent alone wins you Huttball games, that is a fact. Also Short Fuse talent + Sweeping Slash is a nice trick to stack up 30 Fury right away which = two Predations if your Frenzy is ready to be cast as well = winning Huttball, or chasing anything down like Superman.


If you want proof of how well I do with my build, see the screenshots below.



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