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The Real Problem with SWTOR


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Imperial v. Republic population.


It seems that every alliance kiddie from WoW was sick of being a good guy, so they went imperial in SWTOR.


But why should it matter, right? WoW has lasted for nearly a decade with the same problem. (Before some alliance kiddie comes in and says "There were more horde than alliance on my server", realize that there were far more alliance overall. This is because 3 out of every 4 MMO players wanted to look like the good guys from Lord of the Rings. It seems the trend has changed for SWTOR.) It matters in SWTOR because any sort of progression in this game requires an active faction population (especially on your server).


PVP - Have fun running warzones down a few players as republic. Every single game, republic is down 1-2 players. Imperial seems to fill-up fast.


PVE - Have fun gearing up for raids without an active population of players on your server to run instances.


Long story short: this game is ruined because every ******e went imperial because they wanted to look cool.


Guild Wars 2 can't come soon enough.

Edited by Ganymedea
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This game is ruined for MANY reasons, but yes.. a big part of it is due to faction imbalance.


True. True. I assume by your signature that you believe world PVP is another serious problem. While I agree with this, I felt that point was so uncontroversial that it'd be like saying "the sky is blue."

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True. True. I assume by your signature that you believe world PVP is another serious problem. While I agree with this, I felt that point was so uncontroversial that it'd be like saying "the sky is blue."


He's just paying the subscription fee to bash the game really.. but anyways, it's the community's fault... blame them. Bioware let's you choose who to be and if that's a group of xenophobic slavers, than let them. :) I'll be loving freedom over here.

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He's just paying the subscription fee to bash the game really.. but anyways, it's the community's fault... blame them. Bioware let's you choose who to be and if that's a group of xenophobic slavers, than let them. :) I'll be loving freedom over here.


I don't have an active sub actually. :sul_smile:

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Why do you people need to use the term "kiddies" all the time. You sound like a kid for crying over people playing a different faction.


Grow up and deal with it.


For a self-proclaimed non-kiddie (at least this is implied by your language), you sure are mad.

Edited by Ganymedea
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Why do you people need to use the term "kiddies" all the time. You sound like a kid for crying over people playing a different faction.


Grow up and deal with it.


It is a silly generalization as there are plenty of mature people as well. That being said i've had more luck on REpublic with maturity. That's only a snapshot of 2 servers and my experience though.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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everytime i see a thread between WOW and TOR usually about 1 and 4 threads will ahve the following


"Guild wars 2 can't come soon enough"


and you think TOR had hype. that free 2 play disaster managed by NCsoft will get so much hate on release its almost funny.


you do know that NCsoft was sued by Richard Garrot for 28 million dollars because of the Debacle and horrible management of Tabula Rasa right?


NCsoft already lost one game lets see if they can tank this one to.

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