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Why play Rage in PvP as a Maruder?


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I really enjoy playing all three marauder specs in PvP atm, I think they are all viable, with some very strong points but also weaknesses. Rage actually does have pretty good survivability with the 5% (talented) damage reduction from Shii-Cho form, 20% movement speed after an obliterate and dishes out some nice damage with 20% armor pen, nicely timed smashes and force crushes dot+slow.


I feel it is stronger than carnage for surviving and on par with annih, the 5% dmg reduction from Shii-Cho form really is nice, like have a few extra pvp pieces :p

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I use annihilation, but I hate to see a spec getting attacked like this, so I'll point out that in addition to the big smash crits the Rage spec also gives the highest crits on Vicious Throw/Force Scream/any force ability (without gore) thanks to pasive armor penetration and +30% crit damage.


It also has a DoT+slow that, with some good crits, can do over 2.5K for its duration (and with really good luck much more than that)


It also has obliterate, a good gap-closer with a spped boost that even works on targets in cover.


The spec is too predictable imo, but certainly not without benefits

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This spec is for getting huge numbers at the end of the match w/o actually having any skill.

All I see rage spec marauders do is run into a group of people, smash once, if they are lucky twice, then get smashed, all so they can top the damage chart. Annihilation and Carnage are better imo.

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This spec is for getting huge numbers at the end of the match w/o actually having any skill.

All I see rage spec marauders do is run into a group of people, smash once, if they are lucky twice, then get smashed, all so they can top the damage chart. Annihilation and Carnage are better imo.


If you are a dps class why the hell wouldn't you want to go into the spec that gives you the highest damage?

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If you are a dps class why the hell wouldn't you want to go into the spec that gives you the highest damage?


Because damage isn't the point of the BG. And running in, doing an AoE, then dropping dead is not helping your team. Just hitting big numbers on the scoreboard means nothing.

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I just feel people take rage solely for smash crits and aoe damage


When they could be destroying healers and other dps if they went other specs to help their team, its not always about slightly high numbers.


Really other than the aoe rage doesn't bring much to the table, except for Jugs who gain amazing damage while being incredibly tanky.


We maruders should stick to our strengths

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Because damage isn't the point of the BG. And running in, doing an AoE, then dropping dead is not helping your team. Just hitting big numbers on the scoreboard means nothing.


winning is the point of the WZ ... and how do you win? you do your job


healers heal, tanks survive, and dpsers kill things


you do those effectively in a manner that attempts to complete the objectives and you win


so again ... if you are a dpser, why not pick the spec that gives your the most damage?


helping your team, doesnt mean you arent allowed to do big damage, it just means you cant be an idiot about it


you can run in to a group and die just as much with carnage or annihilation as you can with rage


you are talking about bad players, not about rage as a spec


I just feel people take rage solely for smash crits and aoe damage


When they could be destroying healers and other dps if they went other specs to help their team, its not always about slightly high numbers.


Really other than the aoe rage doesn't bring much to the table, except for Jugs who gain amazing damage while being incredibly tanky.


We maruders should stick to our strengths


for good players (not number fluffing idiots that would rather get a KB than defend an objective) smash isnt about the AoE


yes, the AoE is nice, but a buffed rage spec smash is one of the hardest hitting abilities in the game vs a single target (certainly the hardest hitting one marauders have), you can consistantly hit 5k, and get upwards of 6ks with proper buffs


the "aoe damage" of rage is too limited, the range on smash right now is a bit screwy, as im sure we all know, and its not often that you can be in a position to get a smash off on more than 2 people while in the window of opportunity where its double buffed


its not reliable AoE damage, its a bonus, if it happens it happens, but you dont aim for it


and rage can take down healers just fine, i have little issues dealing with them with any spec, and they all do it about equally well, and i have played all specs quite alot

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This. DO NOT consider obliterate a gap closer, it is to turn on guaranteed crit for smash and that is it. Another ability not working properly.


No, it is a gap closer. If you're snared and they're channeling or if there's an elevation difference on a unit in cover (like a sniper) obliterate is perfect. Just because it's glitchy on running targets (something that has happened to me many times, it's not as though I've never been frustrated with it) doesn't make it worthless except to set up the smash. It's also pretty damaging and crits very nicely (force +30% crit)

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I just feel people take rage solely for smash crits and aoe damage


When they could be destroying healers and other dps if they went other specs to help their team, its not always about slightly high numbers.


Really other than the aoe rage doesn't bring much to the table, except for Jugs who gain amazing damage while being incredibly tanky.


We maruders should stick to our strengths


in this point i disagree because we can kill healers and yes most of the time with the attack smash the fun fact is if i force charge/force crush/smash/choke/obliberte/smash most of the times a healer die's and i helped the team,

and when the healer is in a group with multiple people i damage them to at the same time.


So don't say its the spec that is bad it's the people that abuse for the higher crits :p


lvl 50 marauder rage specced :p

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Anyone know how he is specced?


Once I hit 50 I wanna try rage now.


Now see I defend rage but this I hate to see. You won't get numbers like that at 50 anymore because

a) you won't overgear that badly and

b) there's no lowbies to get massive crits on anymore


You'll still get big numbers obviously, and especially on healers, but I'm sad to see people watch a video with high crits and think "omg I want that too I wanna be awesome" Klinda won't be making any videos with crits like that in the 50s bracket, and you'll probably never get to see a crit that high.

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Now see I defend rage but this I hate to see. You won't get numbers like that at 50 anymore because

a) you won't overgear that badly and

b) there's no lowbies to get massive crits on anymore


You'll still get big numbers obviously, and especially on healers, but I'm sad to see people watch a video with high crits and think "omg I want that too I wanna be awesome" Klinda won't be making any videos with crits like that in the 50s bracket, and you'll probably never get to see a crit that high.


Agree on both your points and as stated its preference each has strengths and weaknesses and it comes down to player skill how those different trees perform. Personally I love rage as I find it the easiest to use while trying to manage the multitude of skills we have but then thats me and Im sure each other tree has people who say xxx due to yyy etc.


Play what you like and remember wz's are objective based, no matter what spec your playing you still need to play as a team to win.

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