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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[PvP] Faction controlled Planet.


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Scroll down for the Basic Starting information of the planet.


Type of PvP :[/bOpen world. No instances.


Quests :


[*] Daily Quests ; Mainly quests that allow players to earn Materials for there side.


[*] Weekly Quests ; Mainly quests that allows groups to collect rarer and harder to get materials from enemy controlled bases(camps), required for the bigger upgrades on there side.


[*] Monthly Quests ; Mainly quests intended for operation groups of 8 players. Rescue of Sith, Imperial or Republic officers and soldiers with a expertise from Heavy enemy controlled bases, like minor fortresses. Personnel needed to control the biggest vehicles. Turning these in Rewards the player with a Faction Token(**).


Type of Bases:


[*] Minor Camps : for the daily quests. Enemy units to kill and materials to collect. Materials handed in for Warzone Commendations at your main base. Only NPC silver and sometimes an elite guard.


[*] Camps : intended for the Weekly quests. Heavier elite NPC's that are harder to kill. Could use a group. Collect rare mined or stored materials that you can turn in at your main base for mercenary Commendations


[*] Minor Fortresses : Intended for the OPS groups. Large packs of Elite and champion NPC's. Rescue npc soldiers for your side. Has Turrets that players can control.


Materials are used for:


Materials players can collect can be used for upgrading your main fortress fortifications, weaponry and soldiers around the battlefield.


Rare materials can be used to produce the limited to a certain amount of attack vehicles, drop ships etc.


Soldiers, officers rescued are required to even operate these Created or brought in vehicles.


Upgrades :


All the materials collected from Daily quests go towards the upgrade of Base fortifications and the upgrading of Soldiers. Ranging from Standard to Champion. Gear upgrades should point this out. Battlefield however should stay a mix of all types of Units. Both normal, silver, elite and champion.



Players :


Players are constantly competing against each other, to defend there camps and fortresses to make sure the enemy side gains as little materials and personnel as possible. Players should at all costs, try and kill the created vehicles that roam the land and Players should defend there own vehicles from being destroyed.


Players defending the main fortress from attacks should be able to use stationary defense mechanisms to defend against enemy NPC's, vehicles and players.


**Faction token :


A token that can be earned to turn in for specific and rare rewards only available on this pvp planet.



Basic starting Scenario.



both sides have barely landed on the planet, have set up a few forward camps and 2 or so Minor fortresses. There main base and home of all the elite personnel is just about up and running, but could require at least a lot more upgrades.


The only Npcs that you find running, fighting and repairing or resupplying (yes active NPCS, not stationary ones) are Normal level ground soldiers, Jedi and Sith apprentices and small groups of Squadrons led by silver mobs.


Except for the camps and minor fortresses as thats were the Daily, weekly and monthly quests are completed.


As the battle is proceeding, sides will get active changes based on how many materials are flowing in. In example after 3 real life days of questing, the Republic side has gained packs of Elite troopers and jedi, while the imperials have slacked off in there questing or were successfully stopped and only still have Silver groups and a few elites roaming the battlefield.


It is purely up to the players to advance there factions on this planet.


The Final Goal :


Planet Wide control. When a Faction wins the war, the Enemy retreats and is destroyed. The main base in ruins (transitional phase) and is now the factions home for new normal and pvp quests for experience, money or loot. Quests should become available in factions Main base.


Planet wide control should also open up Unique Flashpoints and an operation or two so that guilds have a reason to go down there for anything else, same for random players.


Planet Wide control Lasts 7 days, before the world resets.



Closing Comments :


I believe by creating something similar to this, will spark peoples interest in open world pvp as long as it based on objectives that allows players to win unique rewards.


Feel free to add your two cents :) even if you do not like the idea. However please remain civil and constructive. Thank you.



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Great idea! Imo though, every single planet should have this. Each faction can take a planet, and when ALL planets are owned by a faction, an epic world boss opens up. Possibly involve space combat, land on a ship with opposing factions leader, etc.


I disagree that every planet should be like this.


However, I do very much like the idea of incorporating elements of the space game into getting there.


I very much like the OPs basic scenario. I think it could be refined and embellished, such as providing turrets with orange-like upgradability, fortifications accepting orange-like armoring, enhancement, and similar.


I would also suggest that during the seven-day 'ownership' period opposing-faction NPC invasions should periodically spawn as the enemy tries to retake the planet, perhaps keyed to opposing players successfully running the space-gauntlet to get there. Perhaps the NPC-spawned invasions accompanying counter-attacking players could similarly be upgraded with a suitable investment?


Perhaps the owning faction should also be able to increase the quality and quantity of said space-gauntlet as well as land-based fortified emplacements.


Let there be individual and guild rewards and titles at stake on both blue and opfor sides.


To the OP: Good on you for offering an idea for improvement instead of just being another complainer. Well done!

Edited by Gleneagle
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Geeze the posting is awfully active: This post was already off the first page? Seems an indicator of populrity/not a dying game at all. Well, good!


Just to embellish Syrellaris' original idea, including where I have tried to push it a little further:


In the situation where one side (Blue team) has secured ownership of the planet they go about completing planetside quests and gathering specialiszed resources, enabling droid factories, and produce fortifications, defenses, turrets, and upgrades. For each increment in defenses there is an automated mirroring increase in orbital defenses.


Red team (the opfor) will have to overcome those defenses to land on the planet and try and retake it.


When red team is preparing their forces to invade, let a red faction notification appear server-wide asking players to take a special space mission assaulting the space defenses, and their success or failure will have an effect on the resistance the invading force will meet in the orbital gauntlet they will have to brave in order to land.


Part of the preparation for red team's counter attack allows them to select their attack point, but where they choose as their landing site is held secret by the system.


This way th blue team gets a chance of knowing there is an impending attack, but they don't know where the landing site will appear until things have been set in motion.


Once the orbital defenses have been eroded by independent space mission completions rd force NPCs spawn a landing field with moderate defenses just prior to the red team landing.


Blue team meanwhile should have scouting out trying to locate the landing site. If they can locate the landing site and take it out before red team lands the invasion would have to abort mission.


If red team succeeds in landing and establishes a beachhead then more groups from red faction can join in until it is an operation sized engagement.


The defenders have the advantage of prepared defenses. I believe the attackers, unable to move their beachhead defenses, should be allowed player numerical superiority if they can muster the numbers. The blue team, the defenders would have strong NPC defenses assisting in the defense, whereas the attackers will be limited to whatever players they can muster, other than the stationary light defenses of the landing site.

Edited by Gleneagle
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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the idea is good and we should have a system of this sort for every planet except maybe capitals.


Players should be able to pour credits into both offensive / defensive movements .


Holding a planet should give benefits to the faction controling it maybe a slight xp boost on players on that planet or something like that.


If such a system would be implemented the developers need to make sure there will be enough of incentive to make players go for these sieges both max level and low levels.

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Let's avoid defeating ourselves before we even get out of the gate.


While most planets seem rather well designed to support this sort of open world PvP, we must keep in mind that many players do not like PvP, and Bioware must accomodate PvE enthusiasts without subjecting them to nonconsensual PvP.


So if you are enthused by the idea of open world PvP along the lines of what has been sketched out as a design here then you should clarify that you intend to suggest such widespread change only for PvP servers, or even a subset of those.


Conceding that, we must consider that what we are talking about would entail a significant outlay devoted to only a fraction of their paying customers. Unless it can be made attractive enough to PvE players as well, then it isn't realistic to ask for them to not just invest such a system for the sake of Ilum, but for all planets.


Doing it to all planets would seriously affect gameplay for PvE players. PvE players have not at all bought into the idea, and will likely be mightily displeased.


Therefore I recommend asking only for something like this for Ilum, and if it turns out to be popular enough across the spectrum of the demography, then surely Bioware would consider expanding it reasonably.

Edited by Gleneagle
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  • 4 weeks later...
I thought about something like this except with 5 or six planets. but i expanded on why the planets would be tasty. 3 would have space ports that would allow groups of players to buy passage into The opposing faction planets. The other three would provide some sort of bonus (Maybe a +5% reward with credits/xp).
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