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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Different starting areas and friends?


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If you and a friend want to play together, but have different starting areas, is the idea to just play up to 8-10, whatever it takes to get out of the starting area(s), then hook up after that? Or, is there a way to both participate in each other's 'origin story' before that point?



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How does it work beyond that? Once you get to the station, do the stories converge? Can you go a on your friend's story arc and vice versa? What about other types of quests or missions, how do you line that up? Is it a mission machine somewhere that pumps out stuff like Anarchy Online used to, or just your standard WoW fair, where everyone sees the same quest givers and therefore can do the same quests?

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How does it work beyond that? Once you get to the station, do the stories converge? Can you go a on your friend's story arc and vice versa? What about other types of quests or missions, how do you line that up? Is it a mission machine somewhere that pumps out stuff like Anarchy Online used to, or just your standard WoW fair, where everyone sees the same quest givers and therefore can do the same quests?


The Main storyline is the same for all faction's classes, and you will be able to help out on the class specific instances in the game, but their class instances will not affect your storyline nor will your affect theirs.

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The Main storyline is the same for all faction's classes, and you will be able to help out on the class specific instances in the game, but their class instances will not affect your storyline nor will your affect theirs.


That's great news. Will the content scale if you bring friends? I just played the beta, and I really felt that they had done a very good job with the balance and that I could solo my character missions. However, I intend to play with two friends now and it would be fantastic if the content were to scale with the amount of people you bring.


I'm sorry if this has been answered in anothre thread, the search-engine here is not very good, and Google just points to empty threads since the forums came back up.

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How does it work beyond that? Once you get to the station, do the stories converge? Can you go a on your friend's story arc and vice versa? What about other types of quests or missions, how do you line that up? Is it a mission machine somewhere that pumps out stuff like Anarchy Online used to, or just your standard WoW fair, where everyone sees the same quest givers and therefore can do the same quests?


Each of the four class archetypes has its own quest arc. If you and your friend are different archetypes, you can tag along to each other's quest zones. Once you complete your quest line on the 2nd planet (Drumond Kaas, for Empire) you get a ship as a reward.


In addition, there are quest givers open to all classes. There are also machines here and there that hand out quests (including on your ship), more for ship and pvp 'missions'.

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The heroic quests in the beta did scale.

They are manageable solo but give more and better loot and possibly more xp when you are in a group.


It will be interesting to see then. I'll bring my friends regardless of course, but many of the character quests were challenging enough and it felt good besting them. To just zerg them would just be a bit of a let-down. It's much more fun beating a tough challenge with your friends.

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I don't think the individual class missions will scale, and they don't really need to. It is meant for the class to do alone.


You also might want to consider spoilers. If you ever plan on creating alts, you may not want to run through another classes story line with someone else. You could do all the general missions together, and then run to your class specific stuff separately (but at the same time).

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I don't think the individual class missions will scale, and they don't really need to. It is meant for the class to do alone.


You also might want to consider spoilers. If you ever plan on creating alts, you may not want to run through another classes story line with someone else. You could do all the general missions together, and then run to your class specific stuff separately (but at the same time).


This is of course a valid point, but I think you should have the option. For me part of the experience is doing this with my friends and no spoilers will be involved for me if I see the story arcs of other players -- it's part of my adventure as well in a way.


So, to sum up.... I believe that those that want to avoid any spoilers for the other classes should just avoid going in there, but if you do bring friends, the content should scale. This really is easily done and would greatly enhance the experience.


Thanks all for the feedback.

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