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Companion Loyalty (Potential Spoilers!)


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Alright, so this isn't the same as companion affection, just more a debate on the loyalty of the companions we have through our class storyline.


Since I've only gotten my Marauder to 50, I'll speak on how I believe each companion is loyal. I'll also spoiler this for those who didn't read the title :jawa_wink:





Vette - With her I've gone the route of her actually liking me instead of fearing me. But overall, no matter which way you go with her, I think she's going to be loyal. Whether she's loyal out of actually liking you, or loyal out of fear of the shock collar/you in general.


Quinn - Now this is a character I'm on the fence on... on the one hand we know he only betrayed you because of Barras. On the other hand, it showed a lack in judgement on his part to think your character wouldn't succeed against some droids. I'd say he doesn't really hold loyalty to anyone except himself... something of an admirable quality, almost Sith-like.


Jaesa - I'd say she's diehard loyal to your character if you're the same alignment as she is. Either way you're only meeting her expectations whether that be to reform or to slaughter. I know that if her affection is high enough for Dark side she swears to never betray you, as most apprentices do to their masters.


Pierce - Unlike Quinn, I think Pierce is actually a very loyal character. Like, loyal to the point he'd give his own life for your character or another on board (Maybe except for Broonmark and Quinn). I'd actually argue that he is by far the most loyal of the characters, though I haven't raised his affection up as much as I wish I had.


Broonmark - He's probably about as loyal as Pierce... I think after his defeat at your hands and the defeat of the last member of his clan he's bonded with your crew to form a new clan. I really don't know much about him though... and probably never will.



So what about your companions? What do you think?

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I treat my companions with respect and good intentions, even married two of em one on my smug and another on my SW



Risha and Vette respectively.



Imo its best to not treat them like dirt, this way they have no doubts in their minds to betray or dislike me.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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For the Trooper. [Note only level 41]


Aric Jorgan: I have the feeling he would betray you if he finds your not doing things for the Repbulic. He would probaly give his life for me, if it was for the greater good.


Elara Dorne: Since I'm romancing her I have the feeling she would be loyal to you till the end. Even though she defected she is just to invested in me to let me die.


MX: I don't even need to say, he's loyal to him me even in sleep mode.


Tanno: Nope, just goes where the credit goes.


Yaunn: Can't say, but I have a feeling he will be loyal to the last man.


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I think the Knight's companions actually are with you more out of a sense that your mission and values dovetail well with theirs than out of personal loyalty. There's also a theme of the companions working out perceived past sins by working with you.



Teeseven enjoys working with Jedi in general, having a long record of service to members of the order. He feels partly culpable for the bad ends of a couple of his previous masters, and is determined to help the knight in spite of that.


Kira has a fair bit of personal loyalty as an admixture to the professional, especially if you choose to defend her to the Council and her old buddies on Nar Shadaa after her background story starts trickling out. As a female knight, her sniping with Doc seems to be, at least partly in defense of you. AI limitations aside though, I think that if your character made a really bad decision, she'd have the moral spine to tell you off, and to defect as a last resort.


Doc's an odd one. At first glance he's this totally whimsical playboy, who signed on with you when the Balmorran Resistance started disintegrating into factional craziness, and who doesn't take much seriously other than personal aggrandizement. He's got girls in quite a few ports, most of whom remember him less than favorably. On the other hand, you'll see that he's extraordinarily passionate about standing in the breach for the regular people who've been caught between the big factions in the war, and that he's with you because he's impressed with your willingness and ability to do the same, and because his appetite for challenge, danger, and novelty are more-than-satisfied by the crazy situations in which you find yourself.


Rusk is fanatically in love with war and military life. I don't know if the concept of personal loyalty computes for him at all. He is loyal because for the purposes of this mission, you're his CO, and because you give him the opportunity to pour himself entirely into endless, bloody fights with bad odds. He would unquestioningly follow you to his death, but that's out of his love of the concepts of chain-of-command and martial valor.


Lord Scourge would, under normal circumstances, have probably killed you ten times as soon as look at you. Personal loyalty, again, is not really a concept that makes sense to him. (That mission you're on now? He tried it once before with no less than Revan and the Jedi Exile in his party, and threw them both under the bus without hesitation when he began to doubt that they'd be able to pull it off) He's in your party and working with the Jedi Council for now because he is convinced that the Emperor is insane, mindlessly destructive, and unfit to rule, and he's had a force vision that indicates that you're the best candidate to take him out.


Edited by Meira_Arirai
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the thing i really hated with the whole companions was the fact loyalty never really factors in the game

they ether like you or hate you and that is that no rewards or punishments for it

hopefully in the later expan there will be added addtional optional companions that will have more factors in place to earn there trust and loyalty or risk betrayal

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