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Whats the real problem with sniper...


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This isn't a QQ about sniper not beaing awsome as other classes or that I cant kill xxx class.


I just starting to get enought of getting owned only because my shift + f didnt do anything so I have to run around like idiot traying to force my character to deploy that cover screan... ( i wont even start about normal cover with F)


Its not happening often but still way more then it should, in pve ok I can live with it but in pvp it's a big problem since I cant do much without cover, and dont start with, "oh go lethality spec they dont need it", nope I dont want to. I like marksman and i really want play this spec, so I want it to be fixed allready, its 1 month now with this problem :confused:


Next thing is after im in cover i started to channel snipe or ambush and nothing, after channeling nothing happens and again i wasted 1 to 2 gcd doing nothing at all... (this bug accurse more often then with cover btw)


Many ppl whine that snipers are bad in pvp, for me sniper is really fun in pvp its not OP but can hold against other calsses most of time and have few nice tricks on its own (i could whine a bit about few things but thats not the point)


Just please Biowere fix this issue and not add new content with new patches witch adds even more bugs likes recent one witch makes some ppl heaving lags spikes, onced those problems are solved then focus on adding new content... :(


And thats come form lev 50 sniper with valor rank 52, without exploiting ilum so i did play a bit of pvp.

Edited by Daskis
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shift + f makes you go cover in place (or as its called hold position or deploy cover screan whatever its called, dont remember exacly but i only use shift + f, normal cover i didnt used since lev 14 i think, after ninja pulling 2 packs :D) without rolling in natural cover and as i typed its also bugs sometimes and thats the issue for me, in pvp it drives me crazy :mad: Edited by Daskis
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shift + f makes you go cover in place (or as its called hold position or deploy cover screan whatever its called, dont remember exacly but i only use shift + f, normal cover i didnt used since lev 14 i think, after ninja pulling 2 packs :D) without rolling in natural cover and as i typed its also bugs sometimes and thats the issue for me, in pvp it drives me crazy :mad:


If you get rooted then you cant enter cover. Yes it is stupid.


Root animations are kinda hard to notice compared to hard ccs so you will often find it is that.

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Yes theres debuff diversion if i remeber corectly how its called that sniper have witch get you out of cover and prevent using it for 6 sec, as for rooting yes im aware of that but as i siad sometiems in fight and i cant get to cover but still i can run, last time i died this way i was fighting commando and im preatty much sure this class dont have such ability, basicly maybe its me then since if everyone of you always have np at all with cover and also no problem with sometimes casting first attack that is channeled and doing nothing then maybe its just me beaing so lame and dont see some debuff form other classes that prevent you from firing ambush and snipe just after entering cover or that half of classes have debuff that prevent you entering cover...


And as for rooting its totaly stupid idea since every class witch is rooted can still fight back and sith warriors/jedi knights still can just leap on you so they totaly can ignore root but ofc when sniper is rooted he cant go to cover in 1 place and cant do much, so basicly hes kinda screwd up while beaing the longest range class in game, with makes me wounder even more what biowere was thinking when they designe this class since its even one more reason not to move at all from 1 spot onced you get into cover...

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