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Got totally blown away in a fight


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So I was leveling in Hoth as a lvl 40 Marauder anni spec and all of the sudden a vanguard lvl 39 appears and we started a fight twice.


The first time he was just standing there pressing 1 or 2 buttons and killed quinn first and then me and he ended with almost full hp. He didn't move at all. Things like these really makes me frustrated, because I put alot o effort in the fight as anni spec and he stood still relaxing pushing 2 buttons to kill me and my companion and ending with nearly full hp.


Second time I started on his companion aswell, it was annoying because he was ccing me few times and I only had obfuscate for him. Then after I killed his compnion I started with charge, blade saber, battering assult, ravage and then annihilate and ofc I used my cloak of pain at the start, but had to use saber ward asap aswell because of the high burst I was getting. By the time I was building up my rotation I was almost dead and he didnt recieve dmg.


It just frustrates me seeing someone putting on less effort in a fight and uising the infamous backpaddle and still manage to kick my ***.


I find my spec way to weird. It takes way to much time to set up your attack while having very low surviveabillity and even tho i used undying rage, but its only to die few secs later and couldnt do anything to him.


I think Bioware should take a look and tweak some things to make it atleast faster to setup an attack, because this is really unfair at the moment.


Also giving my OPINION as an Ex WoW Gladiator player about anni specc that there are way to many things you have to keep on eye on and that doesn't allow you sometimes to see what is going on in your surroundings which is the most important thing in pvp.

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Vanguard is a Powertech mirror, right?


I don't know, they always seem weak to me. Aside from a ranged 4 sec stun they don't really have any CC, not until Carbonize at 42, and even that is 2.5 seconds duration (i.e. useless).


And 1-2 abilities? Powertechs don't have any spammable ones, aside from Flame Burst, which doesn't do much damage and generates a ton of heat.


Maybe you're confusing Vanguard/Powertech with Commando/Mercenary?

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So I was leveling in Hoth as a lvl 40 Marauder anni spec and all of the sudden a vanguard lvl 39 appears and we started a fight twice.


The first time he was just standing there pressing 1 or 2 buttons and killed quinn first and then me and he ended with almost full hp. He didn't move at all. Things like these really makes me frustrated, because I put alot o effort in the fight as anni spec and he stood still relaxing pushing 2 buttons to kill me and my companion and ending with nearly full hp.


Second time I started on his companion aswell, it was annoying because he was ccing me few times and I only had obfuscate for him. Then after I killed his compnion I started with charge, blade saber, battering assult, ravage and then annihilate and ofc I used my cloak of pain at the start, but had to use saber ward asap aswell because of the high burst I was getting. By the time I was building up my rotation I was almost dead and he didnt recieve dmg.


It just frustrates me seeing someone putting on less effort in a fight and uising the infamous backpaddle and still manage to kick my ***.


I find my spec way to weird. It takes way to much time to set up your attack while having very low surviveabillity and even tho i used undying rage, but its only to die few secs later and couldnt do anything to him.


I think Bioware should take a look and tweak some things to make it atleast faster to setup an attack, because this is really unfair at the moment.


Also giving my OPINION as an Ex WoW Gladiator player about anni specc that there are way to many things you have to keep on eye on and that doesn't allow you sometimes to see what is going on in your surroundings which is the most important thing in pvp.


Charge > Deadly saber > battering *** > rupture > Annihilation > Assault until rup/annihilation/deadly saber are up. Interupt any casts, ravage, Obf. I only tend to use Vicious slash if ive got an abundance of rage.


No way you should be losing, if hes spamming two keys unless you're seriously undergeared. Theres nothing to "really" look at minus the three main skills above cooldowns




Edited by Kodokai
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Haha 1 key


I need 6 Keys before i hit annhi


Ofc i Can less .... Charge ba annhi 3 again still 3vs1 Keys loool


ok. Try to make 200k dmg with those 3 keys. Then make vid and post it.

Edited by Torkepl
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jesus ... time to reroll


I was just saying this last night. I'm on my alt on Tatooine, and out of 72 people on the planet, 36 were Mercs. And zero Powertechs.


The sad part is, I would bet good money that when the nerf comes, Powertechs will suffer as well.

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So I was leveling in Hoth as a lvl 40 Marauder anni spec and all of the sudden a vanguard lvl 39 appears and we started a fight twice.


The first time he was just standing there pressing 1 or 2 buttons and killed quinn first and then me and he ended with almost full hp. He didn't move at all. Things like these really makes me frustrated, because I put alot o effort in the fight as anni spec and he stood still relaxing pushing 2 buttons to kill me and my companion and ending with nearly full hp.


Second time I started on his companion aswell, it was annoying because he was ccing me few times and I only had obfuscate for him. Then after I killed his compnion I started with charge, blade saber, battering assult, ravage and then annihilate and ofc I used my cloak of pain at the start, but had to use saber ward asap aswell because of the high burst I was getting. By the time I was building up my rotation I was almost dead and he didnt recieve dmg.


It just frustrates me seeing someone putting on less effort in a fight and uising the infamous backpaddle and still manage to kick my ***.


I find my spec way to weird. It takes way to much time to set up your attack while having very low surviveabillity and even tho i used undying rage, but its only to die few secs later and couldnt do anything to him.


I think Bioware should take a look and tweak some things to make it atleast faster to setup an attack, because this is really unfair at the moment.


Also giving my OPINION as an Ex WoW Gladiator player about anni specc that there are way to many things you have to keep on eye on and that doesn't allow you sometimes to see what is going on in your surroundings which is the most important thing in pvp.

**** me. I actually met one of these guys last night and even as annihilation he literally took less than 20% to my 80%. Spamming two buttons, great little game this is.

Edited by Kodokai
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