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guardians of the republic, a jedi journal


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I was at my dads and a little bored so I started writing a story about 2 jedi named Wewold, and Khronos who met other jedi in they're mission to kill the emperor.











Entry 1: the legacy




Jedi are guardians,peacekeepers,defenders of the republic. People think they have no feelings.They are wrong.Some hide they're feelings.They are still people, nothing more, nothing less, they arent special in any way.Sith, they say that the Dark Side will cleanse you of those 'baser' emotions, lead you to a life of power, eternal victory, they are wrong.They spit upon the jedi council thinking one day they will rule the galaxy. They've tried many times but have failed. But the attack on Coruscant was horrific. Khronos and I barely escaped the battle with our lives. Our master, Master Shon Onal, got killed. At the moment we were on Balmorra undercover attacking an empire base. About 20 troopers were helping us. We were past the defenses and we were about to attack an underground base . There was a sith in there. We also had two more jedi helping us. As soon as we got down to where the sith was we had an injured trooper. We brought him down to the underground base and we took control of it. We also reprogammed the droids . They knocked out all the imperial troopers and we put them in prison . The injured trooper was being protected by about 10 troopers.It was quite a fight. After we got out and brought the reprogrammed droids to a republic defense station , we bombed the base.

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Entry 2: my story








28 years ago my father, a starship mechanic, met my mother, Captain of the Republic Capital Ship “Defiance”, at the aftermath of the Battle of Bothawui. While Jedi Master Allusis was making his last stand, my father, who happened to be in the system on business when all hell broke loose, was trying to come up with a way to leave the planet with his ship and 23 others, all carrying refugees. After sending a couple of distress signals, he finally received an answer from the “Defiance”. It was struggling, alongside a small Republic fleet, to make the second Sith Armada retreat.


They set the time for the refugees’ escape to happen when the Republic battleships would fully engage the Sith, preventing the ships leaving the orbit of Bothawui from being hunted down. The plan worked, but my father’s ship, a XS Light Freighter named “Corellian Eagle”, was hit and had to take cover inside the “Defiance” hangar. There he helped the engineering crew until the Sith retreated, fell in love with my mother and 3 years later the fastest blaster in the galaxy (me) was born.


My mother wasn’t around much while I grew up. The war occupied most of her time. So I spent my early days with dad on Corellia, my home planet, helping him with his work and learning from him everything I could about starship engineering (the old man knew more than any astromech droid). But all that changed when we heard the most dreadful piece of news dad had ever received – the “Defiance” was destroyed while aiding the Jedi fleet trying to break a Mandalorian Blockade and my mother was dead.


After this, my father couldn’t stay on Corellia, sitting still. He was bent on doing whatever he could to help the war effort. He sold everything we had and we took off on the “Eagle”. A few years later I joined the jedi, hoping it would make my life better. I met many people too

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Entry 3: the arena







Today, I got captured by a hutt as I was going to the red light sector on Dromund Kaas. I had to face a guy named Nass Tanner and some other people in an arena . The roar of the arena drowned all other thought. A deep throbbing, pounding bass and drum from loudspeakers joined with the raw screams from the spectators. The smell of it was nearly as strong. Hundreds of bodies of all species, tightly pressed against each other. Burning ozone from activated energy shields almost washed out the sharper, darker nostril-flaring scent of blood.



Even here, in the midst of the action, the spectators recognized the Diamond Heads. The mood shifted as the thickly muscled enforces on the flanks broke through the crowd. Nass Tanner took each step down the stadium at a measured, deliberate pace. No doubt, part of it was to balance the ungraceful art of walking with a Twe'ilk dancer on each arm. Mostly, it was to maintain his appearance. There were also pit fighters in a part of the arena called the pit




Ahead, Nass Tanner reached ground floor and circled around the pit. Electrostatically charged bars kept the audience out and the pit fighters in pain if their opponent knocked them into it. Two men, shirtless, traded blows with brutal deliveries. Blood wet the ground in more than one place, much to the delight of the crowd. All eyes were on the contest now. He attacked and fought bravely. There were moments where he cut me. He was equipped with lightsabers. I force pushed him to the shield , I was dying too. I tried to escape but my leg was almost broken and I couldn't walk.I fell many times and then I hit something in the ground that made poisonous gas come out. We both passed out.

Edited by AssassinNick
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:sy_lightside:Entry 4: the arena Part 2










As I woke up , I heard sounds of blaster shots. I must have been knocked out for a while.:csw_bluesaber::csw_redsaber:Nass Tanner was still knocked out .There was something wierd that came out of the ground. It was like an octopus arm. It kept grabbing pit fighters and smashing them to the ground. One pit fighter had bloody arms and legs and was alive, cussing at the thing I heard him say "a-hole, youll die. Die like s**t. "I saved him and was defending him for about 15 minuters when suddenly a gang of mercenaries.



The leader had a stolen lightsaber and kept trying to hit me . The force saved me. I force pushed a lot of them but the leader still lived. I kept attacking with my sabers but he blocked and avoided all my hits. He also flipped a lot of times. I finally cut his lightsaber in half. I made him crash into the forcefield.A few minutes later, the fight ended and i got out and found khronos. The arena was a pretty big challange, even a big one for jedi. At least I survived

Edited by AssassinNick
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Entry 5: the great war









Khronos and I met three jedi named Sykh, Ella, and Mira. We were attacking a sith compound in Dromund Kaas. We had about 14000 troopers and 495 other jedi helping us. Also, we were bombing the place and had tanks helping us. A squad of spies was sent in after the bombing. As soon as they got in, they took out some guards, took they're clothes, went to the droid control room and made the droids on our side. The compound was not close to Kaas City. We used that as an advantage. We set up plans. Our plan was to send out squads ( with 84 troopers , a tank, and 3 jedi) There would be 500 squads . I had to take out the guards and a sith in the entrance.



We attacked, with all of our might. Guns firing, Missles exploding, it was not a good scene. A soldier snarled a breathless curse and heaved himself into a dead sprint, spraying bolts aimlessly over his shoulder. Blaster fire and powerful sniper bolts smashed the scenery around him. He hardly noticed the scrub growth fall away beneath his heavy boots. He careened into the valley below, barely arcing as he fell. A thousand needles of over pressurized gel stabbed his skin as his suit tried to take the impact. The trooper hit the ground with a crunch. Something vital cracked in his chest. Breathing became agony. I saved him before he died. Some of the troopers took him back to the cruiser. Sykh's, Ella's, Khronos', and Mira's squad came to attack the entrance. We also had about 2 more squads helping .



We went in, slashing through the guards. We saw the spies piloting out of the hangar from a tower. They probably had they're old clothes back. The droids were killing many of the guards. A sniper shot blasted a troopers hand off. one squad on the other side of the compound made a hole in the wall. They were attacking a prison where they had republic spies and troops. All of the squads were now passed the walls. We started defeating the guards. We soon found out that the big base that had the sith lord in it was far away. We found the coordinates of the area. It was on the south eastern part of Ilum. We went in now all together and then we splitted up. I went with Sykh and about 50 troopers. A trooper that got shot was on the ground. A missle he fired hit a tower and knocked it down. It crushed a lot of imperials.



The trooper forced himself into motion. Supporting himself on butt of his rifle, he climbed to his feet, nearly caving as another blaster bolt slammed into his flickering shields from above. Ignoring the throbbing in his chest, he rolled into cover. A dozen bolts peppered the trees as he fired back, sending a figure up on the tower running. I ran in swiftly and bravely. I got shot. The world seemed to become a canvas of darkness. Heavy eyelids closed slowly one by one. It seemed like this was it. My last moment of life. Darkness collapsed on me. I saw the guards fall. One by one.I was being dragged. I was too weak to say a word. Blood came out of my chest. I finally passed out. A minute later, I woke up. I woke up at the same place I passed out at. They probably captured the area. I got up and ran in the battlefield.




I went into the battlefield, I caught up with everyone. "hey whats up ?", asked Sykh.

"I'm fine . Whats that over there , follow me " I answered. I found a cave. It was guarded by a sith. The sith shot lightning bolts at us and dueled us, but we defeated him.We found a force holocron. Many of these were looted by Sith Lords over the years seeking to increase their own power. But some were located and looted or destroyed by Jedi. We put it in a bag and got pack to the fight. Fire was everyone in the area. Tanks shot buildings and ships. There was a space battle going on above us. Imperial Wardens attacked but we beat them all. We finally got to the base. The rest of the army was searching for imperial secrets in the forests. We got a lot of slicers, like me to do so. When we got to the base . "Hello, this is unit ZI3-315 send troops to my area My squad needs help" a commander said into his radio. "This is unit FIR-001 they're on theyre way" answered a field captain.In a few minutes about 2 jedi and 20 troopers came to our location. Sykh, the two jedi, 5 troopers and I went into an elevator that took us down .

Edited by AssassinNick
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