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So I'm at a point in story line with my companions I have romanced Jaesa and she is asking me to marry her... However I want to marry Vette... haven't had the chance in story line to romance her and did the mother quest...


I've noticed the companion quests seem to progress with the class quests and I'm wondering if I need to call things off with Jaesa in order to be with Vette or if I need to wait longer in my class story line... I just killed Lord Draagh in my storyline (sorry for spoiler for any1)... Anyone have worth while information?


***Vette and Jaesa have maxed out affection***

***Dark 5 SW Juggernaut lvl47 on Voss*** (if any of that means anything)

Edited by Boogieface
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I be a darkside 4 level 50 Marauder.


I romanced both Jasea and Vette.


Jasea wanted me to marry her first. (Around 7000 affection and in Chapter 3)


After completing Vette's mother quest, Vette asked me about getting married. (Around 7000 affection and in Chapter 3).

Edited by Quiet
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Looks like the theme is: chapter 3.


Right now Vette and Jaesa are well above 7k affection with me, but I am still in chapter 2, so I haven't been given any of the marriage options.


I guess it won't progress any further until chapter 3, no matter how much affection I have with them.

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Looks like the theme is: chapter 3.


Right now Vette and Jaesa are well above 7k affection with me, but I am still in chapter 2, so I haven't been given any of the marriage options.


I guess it won't progress any further until chapter 3, no matter how much affection I have with them.


Romance is set to chapter, level and affection.


You could get max affection, but you need to be in the right chapter


Or you could be in the right chapter and not have enough affection


By the sound of it you need to wait for chapter 3

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