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Guide to Sorc Animations


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People accuse Sorcs of spamming the same power over and over again (like Commandos and BHs) but anyone paying attention can clearly see we are not. So here is a guide to Sorc abilities and the animations they produce.


Shock - a purple stream of lightening that flows from the sorc's hands and wraps around the target's body.


Force Lightening - a violet stream of lightening that flows from the sorc's hands and wraps around the target's body.


Electrocute - a fushia stream of lightening that flows from the sorc's hands and wraps around the target's body (note: Whirlwind does have the same animation but I'm sure that's not used much in pvp)


Lightening strike - a purple burst of lightening that travels from the sorc and hits the target.



Recklessness - DARK purple lightening AND SMOKE that surrounds the sorc's hands and arms.



So as you can see, clearly very different animations. Those other classes must simply not be paying attention. And hey, just remember...we could be throwing dirt clods at people like sad hobos.

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I chuckled.


I've been thinking the exact same thing, i guess that's why I'm now playing Jedi Sage instead. The look of the gear gets worse by the lvl, but at least u can see the difference between a few of the spells.


Many spells are more like this though:


*instant ability nr 1: barely visible animation, no audible sound, double checks on target too see if it even fired.


*instant ability nr 2: barely visible animation, no audible sound, double or even triple checks on target if ability even fired.


*instant ability nr 3....

Edited by marksyd
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