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I don't understand it?


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sorry my spelling its not my main


My rank is valor 56


so the new 50 WZ are out, and i been focus on pve the last week.. NOW

i am going to pvp some again.. i have full set of champ gear...


Now how is it that a sorc have 17000 hit points and i have 15800 hes a caster class

i really don't get it.


for some reason now i am target all the time.. are we free kills now?

i am anhi spec and normal i do all right..


but befor i get over to them i down to 30-40% life ?!?!


and we have so meny skills to get up charge ( or wait to use it for knock back )

we need Deadly saber up and Rupture and also need to use Battering Assault to get more Rage, then we also have 2 more skills CoP and then Berserk/blood if Frenzy are on cooldown


then now my Dots ticking from 400.800 but they just shield up/ bubble now i am comeing to use my annihilate and crit for around 1900-3500, comes down to how much the expitse ther other player have . i can do alot of dps.. but by the time. i get to do it.. my life is way down


and i have crew skills max out. 400/400 so i have pots hear etc .. if i use my pre pot

relics Blood i can get a 4000-5000 crit of. in pvp and pve but i mean


my friend.. who is assin do that with out any long he hits 1-2 keys and thats it.. with out pre-poting etc


is it me, or what the hell is going on..

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I feel youre pain. Simple answer is we have to build up to do damage, everyone else starts at full, a prime example would be if we started always at full rage. Many other classes also i can imagine, only have maybe 3 key binds. Quick travel, their out of combat heal and.... tracer missile. Scoundrel has 2, cloak and IWIN button, knocking you down and killing you.
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Things are working at intended...




Between the skill lag, lack of ability to consistently close range in a Wz situation without a well organized premade created specifically to support you, Maras aren't doing well at all.


However, bearing this in mind, Every class right now has complaints. The reason... lvl 50 only warzones... players who were pwning before against non-expertise geared bolstered lowbies are just now starting to realize the true potential DPS/survivability of their classes, maras included.


Many maras now are getting rooted/ stun-locked then roflstomped form afar...


Combine this with skills not firing off, even though the GCD shows they did, resolve not working as intended and that DAMN huttball announcer never ****, it makes warzones hell for Marauders.

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Well I think somewhere the devs have admitted that there are resolve issues to be resolved (no pun intended). There are also skill activation issues and of course what some perceive as class imbalances.


All those people who pre 1.1 were absolutely dominating as maras are only surviving now because of premades and pocket healers.

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