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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What happens next? (Possible Spoilers)


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I'm a lvl 40 Commando (Gunnery Spec) and I have read everything I can find here and on the Internet about my story line and the things that happen to me from now to lvl 50. I've solo'ed thus far and rarely PvP. Here's my question:


What do I have to look forward to once I'm lvl 50? What's your daily routine?


Thanks in advance. (And I don't mind spoilers, so feel free) :D

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My routine:

Log on inside the fleet, pick up the ilum PvP daily



Go to belsavis, do the dailies, then do "A lesson learned" for epic mod

Go to Ilum, do the dailies, then do "Darkness on Ilum" for epic enhancement

Fly to the republic PvP base on ilum, buff the operations group, stand next to the wall, watch some tv while popping the occasional heal, and wait for the 30 kills to happen.


Fly back to the fleet, and cross fingers for champion item after turning in the ilum daily!


Once most your gear is above rating 116, and you've gotten decent implants and an ear piece, you can start doing hard modes. Currently, friends in my guild aren't quite ready for hard modes... so after turning in the daily PvP quest, I just run around on the fleet, occasionally join a PUG for hardmodes, and die a couple of times watching undergeared DPS and tanks try to down a boss before enrage timer hits. This is followed up by me, or the tank getting yelled at by the DPS, because they expect me to heal all the things, even though they are taking massive damage.


You have a lot to look forward to, son.

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