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Sith Warrior Story Question (Contains Act 1 spoilers)


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I hope this is the right place to post this and if it is not I apologise. This post also contains spoilers from act 1 of the sith warrior story (and a tiny bit of act 2).


Hey guys,


The thing I enjoy most about SWTOR is questing through the class story, and so far I've been really enjoying my Sith Maurader. I've felt compelled to play through (what I find as) a boring combat system, just to experience the story and it's been great so far. I've just finished Act 1 where you get jaesa as a companion and now it feels like the story is out of steam.


There was this big exciting build up to the confrontation with her, but now that's over I feel like a lot of the energy of the story for me has dissipated. I've now been ordered to kill general A B and C, people whom I've only just learnt of and I'm not much looking forward to it. I guess it's heading towards a confrontation with Baras, but I almost wish that took the centre focus of the story.


What I want to know (without spoilers please!) is if the sith warrior story line builds up to another exciting climax that you feel compelled to reach, or if the most exciting part of the story has already occured (if that's the case I'll reroll to experience a new story).


Thanks so much! :)

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I hope this is the right place to post this and if it is not I apologise. This post also contains spoilers from act 1 of the sith warrior story (and a tiny bit of act 2).


Hey guys,


The thing I enjoy most about SWTOR is questing through the class story, and so far I've been really enjoying my Sith Maurader. I've felt compelled to play through (what I find as) a boring combat system, just to experience the story and it's been great so far. I've just finished Act 1 where you get jaesa as a companion and now it feels like the story is out of steam.


There was this big exciting build up to the confrontation with her, but now that's over I feel like a lot of the energy of the story for me has dissipated. I've now been ordered to kill general A B and C, people whom I've only just learnt of and I'm not much looking forward to it. I guess it's heading towards a confrontation with Baras, but I almost wish that took the centre focus of the story.


What I want to know (without spoilers please!) is if the sith warrior story line builds up to another exciting climax that you feel compelled to reach, or if the most exciting part of the story has already occured (if that's the case I'll reroll to experience a new story).


Thanks so much! :)


In my opinion it does. Act 2 is an entirely different story from Act 1. That being said, Act 2 leads into act 3 but more than 1 leads into 2. As Act 2 is hitting near the middle/end it begins to pick up and makes Act 3 VERY interesting. So just stick to it. Act 2 gets better and ACT 3 is the best of them all imo.

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Act 1 is absolutely the best of SW story. Act 2 is IMO poor, I didn't really felt being driven to accomplish set goals, while in Act 1 I've literally eating through story. Climax - fights and making both a master and apprentice fall...that was more than just great fun, it was a damn masterpiece.


Act 3, it's good. Way better than act 2 but not nearly that good as Act 1. I did felt driven, it made me "tick" - I actually was afraid and mad at times, but I was not even nearly what it was in act1. Can't blame act 3 tho - it's good, it just can't compare to awesomness of act 1.


It's like with Matrix movies. 2 and 3 were very good movies, but in comparison to 1...

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