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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So is nothing going to be done about Ilum's faction imbalance and performance issues?


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they capped how many players can be on an ilum instance. problem again is that its a global cap and not based on who has the fewer numbers. i still end up rolling in with like 10 to 15 other republic just to get slaughtered in a wall of lag and red text by 75 imperials.


but at least they cant call MORE people to help them search and destroy right?

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Their post has nothing to do with what I asked about.


When you have even the slightest clue about how software development works, youll understand why making this thread makes you look like a card-carrying member of Generation Entitlement.


You cant wave a magic wand and fix this stuff, kiddo. takes hundreds or thousands of man hours to track this stuff down, reproduce it, fix it, find workaround, etc.


It aint gonna happen overnight.


They posted that they were aware. Theyre working on it. When there's something to know, theyll tell us.

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they capped how many players can be on an ilum instance. problem again is that its a global cap and not based on who has the fewer numbers.


7 fps and a global cap, you've got to be kidding. Instead of letting the WAR devs make you coffee, why not let them fix pvp? Several of your design choices demonstrate an unbelievable lack of understanding of pvp mechanics.


"Your subscription has been cancelled."

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7 fps and a global cap, you've got to be kidding. Instead of letting the WAR devs make you coffee, why not let them fix pvp? Several of your design choices demonstrate an unbelievable lack of understanding of pvp mechanics.


"Your subscription has been cancelled."


I gotta agree there, I played WAR for 2 years, even with mass amounts of players in an Open world area slugging it out lag was never near as bad as a fraction of the numbers Star Wars gets. Every WZ I go into is choppy as hell and I run a very decent system..never had lag in PvP in an MMO I've played like Star Wars.

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I gotta agree there, I played WAR for 2 years, even with mass amounts of players in an Open world area slugging it out lag was never near as bad as a fraction of the numbers Star Wars gets. Every WZ I go into is choppy as hell and I run a very decent system..never had lag in PvP in an MMO I've played like Star Wars.


Then you didn't play WAR for the first six months


Didnt play WoW for the first year


Didnt play AION for the first year and a half..


etc, etc etc.


Different game is different - surprise! Also, WAR's models were horribly low-poly.

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Different game is different - surprise! Also, WAR's models were horribly low-poly.


Visit any of WAR's rvr zones and you will see that every single one looks better than Ilum. A mostly empty planet without trees, grass, or fluff should not run at 7 fps on high-end gaming rigs.


If your game cannot support mass battles, you may as well remove Ilum.

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What do you want them to do? They cant go and change peoples characters to republic to even the stuff out. The mechanics are balanced, just your republic side or imperial depending on server has a lower population.


Want to fix it, get more players on that server that play republic.

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Considering the mass ops zerging is leading to one faction becoming battlemaster easy you'd think they would worry about it a bit more. Those people are going to become bored and quit just as fast as the people getting zerged.


Why do they care if people get Battlemaster?


Seriously, all of you people need to quit with the ZOMGBATTLEMASTER!!!!!11!1!!!


It's 4 rating. FOUR RATING higher than champion gear. it's a 4.5% stats increase. That's it.

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Why do they care if people get Battlemaster?


Seriously, all of you people need to quit with the ZOMGBATTLEMASTER!!!!!11!1!!!


It's 4 rating. FOUR RATING higher than champion gear. it's a 4.5% stats increase. That's it.


Getting Battlemaster is currently what "endgame" PvP is, and it's essentially a grind, so Imperials only need to put in like 1/3 the time that Republic does, for the same gear.


It's like doing a raid but only Imperial gets a 50% stat buff whenever they enter the raid.

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Getting Battlemaster is currently what "endgame" PvP is, and it's essentially a grind, so Imperials only need to put in like 1/3 the time that Republic does, for the same gear.


It's like doing a raid but only Imperial gets a 50% stat buff whenever they enter the raid.


Except it isn't a damn thing like that. And your hyperbolic generalization is doing no one any favors.


It's been a running battle in both Illum 1 and 2 the entire day so far on Port Nowhere, with massive groups see-sawing back and forth across the zone.


Yeah, we're getting a "freefarm" alright. This morning we were getting farmed as Imperial.


Im sure there are servers where the imps are just curbstomping everything in sight, but its not all of them. And it's not a failure of game design, it's not like they can force people to roll Repub against their will.

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