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Voice error


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When troopers go to the Fleet after completing their story line at level 50, our mission is to talk to Ha'laa. During the conversation a holo call comes thru from some guy and he tells us to go to Ilum.


When the trooper character speaks the word "ILUM" he says "LOOM" instead. He does this the entire conversation. He is very clearly not saying ilum, but loom instead. The npc on the holo call says ilum correctly though.


Has nobody else noticed this??


This is cleary an error on the voice-over team. The guy reading the script must have thought the word was loom, which would make sense if his script was written in a way that makes the capital I and the lower case L look the same, so he thought it was spelled llum.


Editing team missed it.

Edited by TarikGur
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  • 3 years later...
I noticed it too - hilarious, but very very sloppy. They should have a pronunciation guide for all these poor people. It actually does look like llum rather than Ilum. Def not his fault, the devs should have noticed that.
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