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Whats the rotation for sentinel actually like?


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I keep hearing people say that both sent/mara use a ridiculous amount of keybindings just for PvE. Watched movies where people have all 4 hotbars up with stuff keybound in all of them. Are these people trying to just do too much and use everything when they dont need half that stuff? Whats the normal rotation you would use for leveling as a sentinel? I want to try one but I dont have a fancy $200 gaming keyboard or a mouse with 100 buttons on it so using 30+ keybinds is out of the question. That's work. Games are for fun, not work.
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generally you'll use about 6 buttons consistantly(those differ a little depending on spec), and then you have other things like def cooldowns/offensive, and interrupts that you'll use in certain situations. Those situations increase as you level.


Then you'll want stuff like force leap, maybe you want to use oppertune strike with that, or pummel after a sweep. Those generally take out weak mobs pretty fast.


So basically its a bar of attacks, a bar of openings, a bar of defensive/offensive, and then the bar of buffs speeder and the what nots. Of course you can make your bars anyway that suits you :)

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focus spec:


Force leap - Force exhaustion - Do stuff while gettin singularity to tick 4 times, I mostly do the strike which adds 6 focus among other stuff in this time - Force Sweep. Then Force Stasis - the 10m leap - Fill up time to get 4 singularity stacks with other stuff - Force Sweep. When you're getting attacked pop the 20% dmg reduction ability (think its called Rebuke). If taking a lot of damage use Saber ward. When you're about to die use Guarded by the force. This one lasts for 5 sec. After this runs out pop Force camouflage and try to find a healthpack nearby incase you're in a warzone. When you get 30 centering stacks either use Transcendence when you want to get somewhere quick or if you're getting kited, if you can unload a lot of damage on someone and if there's a group of enemies you want to damage, use Zen.

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Both my Sent and my Sin use the same hotbar set up. Movement is esdf rather than wasd. Lowest bar is 1 thru = (1-6 most important). Bar above it is F1 thru F12 (F1-F6 most important). Right bar has 5 bound abilities to wqazx while the left has five bound abilities to rtgvc. Then I have two abilities bound to my thumb triggers on my mouse.


All of my rotation keys are 1-6 and F1-F6 while everything else is situational abilities, defensive cds, or offensive cds. While some say this is work, these are the types of classes I enjoy playing. High skill cap with the need to practice and learn from your mistakes to become good rather than spamming the same abilities the whole fight.

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As Watchman I open with


Force Leap

Overload Saber

Zealous Strike(have to hit it like 2-3 times due to ability delay)


Mercliess Slash if my dots proced a focus, if not Strike and then Merciless Slash

Master Strike


After that it basically becomes a priority system. Zealous Strike > Force Leap > Overload Saber > Cauterize > Merciless Slash > Master Strike > Slash > Strike. Once mob reaches 20% HP Dispatch becomes my #1 priority.


Sometimes it can change though depending on the fight. For example if I know a boss is going to create some kind of gap soon(e.g. first boss in Maelstrom that requires you to move away)I'll save my Leap for that so I don't waste time running in.

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Depends on the build actualy



Watchmen use alot of skills.

Combat and Focus use less.


Watchman has dps builders and spenders to watch and to keep both hit burns up as much as possible.


Combat uses builders, has one burner and use blade storm whenever they can with their proc.


Focus is build almost entirly around useing stasis and force slow to crit big force sweeps.

The extra leap attack is useful for kiters as well, but so is crip throw root in combat.

Watchman damage keeps up from dots when they are kited so its not much of a problem and their leap is reduced cooldown and no minimum range.


They are all pretty good and each is better in certain situations but almost all of them require near end game to be effective with the ammount of required talents.

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Like some people have said, watchman is more of a priority system than a rotation. You basically have 4 big abilities that you want to use whenever they are up. Zealous strike, Overload Saber, Cauterize, and Merciless Slash. You want to use most of your full centering stacks on zen, and as watchman its going to be full quite a bit.


Along with those 4 main abilites there are others that are more situational, and can be used when the big 4 are on cooldown. Use strike if your low on focus, slash if you have an excess of focus, master strike if the boss is stationary, dispatch if its in execute range, etc.


Also remember you have quite a bit of utility and remember to use it.

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