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My solution for Ilum


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With the current patch Ilum remains as broken as ever, just in different ways. As a republic player on an Empire heavy server I just steer clear of it. Rather than sit in general chat and on these forums and whine & moan, I have come up with a solution.


Rather than have the daily and weekly quests from the PVP terminal add NPCs at each of the control points or even just terminals. The idea is that you need to control the point to actually pick up the quest and you also need to control it to hand in.


I'm sure many of you are reading thinking that this will result in the same problem we had initially with Empire & republic flipping points at will to maximize points but there is no incentive here to allow the enemy to control a point. Let's say for example, the central control point gives you a quest to kill 20 enemy players. You need to control it to both pick up the quest & hand it in. Why would you ever let the enemy have it?

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I think the current system is just fine. :D


I was on most of yesterday and I flat out had a blast. Keep in mind, I usually steer clear of easier games or just set pve mmos. So going out to an actual big boy pvp area in which you had to kill the enemy was golden. Almost reminded me of DAOC, the pvp mmo king. With that said, there were times in which we were outnumbered, we outnumbered the republics, and when we had to check our secured areas. Which is pretty standard in most pvp mmos. Its nothing new. I firmly believe the people that think this is broken are those that are just new to this type of gameplay.


I can assure you that it will get better as long as you keep fighting, don't give up because you die, and start working as a realm instead of soloing or acting like one of those horrible players stuck on vent but unable to read or type in general.:D

Edited by DarthHarlem
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I think the current system is just fine.


I was on most of yesterday and I flat out had a blast. Keep in mind, I usually steer clear of easier games or just set pve mmos. So going out to an actual big boy pvp area in which you had to kill the enemy was golden. Almost reminded me of DAOC, the pvp mmo king. With that said, there were times in which we were outnumbered, we outnumbered the republics, and when we had to check our secured areas. Which is pretty standard in most pvp mmos. Its nothing new. I firmly believe the people that think this is broken are those that are just new to this type of gameplay.


I can assure you that it will get better as long as you keep fighting, don't give up because you die, and start working as a realm instead of soloing or acting like one of those horrible players stuck on vent but unable to read or type in general.


I never played DAOC but heard a lot of good things about it. I did/do play LOTRO though and the PVP system they have is similar to Ilum. Thing is, right now, why capture an objective? Sure you get the buff but it does nothing to affect your daily/weekly quests. Kinda makes them being there pointless.

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Well from my understanding, correct me if I am wrong, you get a bonus to valor for taking objectives. Not to mention, the more you have, the more your entire side gets in regards to a bonus. On top of that, from a pride and tactic point of view, who wouldn't want to take them? It just makes sense. You don't need a major reward for everything you do. Espeically anything that will give you gains in pvp.


If that is your goal, why not purse pve gear? It would make more sense.


Again, I think the current system was a excellent change. It is not remotely broken. The only thing I think they should maybe add is structures that players can get into and defend. Like a small forward base, bunker, or stuff like that. Then you would have more unique standoff battles. Then again, who knows, it might be coming. :D

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Glad you feel that way but you are in the minority.


You shouldn't assume that your idea is majority or that your thoughts are in the same bracket without proof. I'm sure we both know people who love each others point of view but there is no solid data showing which one is the majority. Unless you have access to some large voting poll of some sort that was recently done.


Not good to assume. :p


But I do think its fair to say that those who love pvp, big boy pvp, and have played in pvp mmos in teh past love it fine. Those who have not or this is their first or second mmo with that previous game being either really dumbed down, family related, or a pve mmo, might not like it.


Which is why we all have options and a choice in the type of end game gear to get.

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